To ensure road safety and compliance with the law, police officers draw the attention of drivers to the serious consequences of violating traffic rules.
Dangerous or dangerous behavior will be strongly penalized and the new legal provisions on aggressive driving are an essential point that all road users must know and respect.
According to the law, by aggressive behavior is meant the performance, on the public road, by the driver of the vehicle, of one of the following maneuvers:
- a) moving successively from one traffic lane to another or from one row to another, alternating from left to right, in order to overtake a line of vehicles traveling in the same direction;
- b) turning the vehicle by using the auxiliary brake;
- c) starting the vehicle from a standstill by excessive, idling, skidding of the engine wheels;
- d) traveling with the vehicle at a very small distance from another vehicle, in front of or behind it, as well as to the side, or suddenly reducing the speed of travel without good reason, likely to intimidate its driver;
- e) the repeated use of sound and/or light signals of such a nature as to unreasonably oblige the driver of the vehicle driving in front of him to clear the traffic lane;
- f) driving the moped or motorcycle with only one of the wheels in contact with the roadway;
- g) walking backwards with the vehicle in order to intimidate other traffic participants driving behind it;
- h) intentionally making a controlled skid of the vehicle in order to turn or turn it;
- i) the intentional driving of a vehicle by repeatedly accelerating the engine, likely to embarrass people in the area of the public road.
What are the fines for aggressive drivers?
The penalties for committing the above maneuvers are appropriate. “The aggressive behavior in driving vehicles on public roads is defined, as well as the correlative sanction for the adoption of this behavior with the fine provided for in the second class of sanctions (660 lei – 825 lei) and with the application of the complementary contraventional sanction of suspending the right to drive for a period of 30 days.
(…) in the event of a traffic accident resulting in damage to a vehicle or other material damage, a fine is established in the third class of sanctions (990 lei – 1,320 lei) and with the application of the complementary contraventional sanction of suspension of the right to drive for a period of 60 days”.