The former striker now a pundit attacks on social media the coach of the 1994 World Cup in the USA who had praised his national team in an article in the Gazzetta
The article in the Gazzetta dello Sport in which Arrigo Bags remember the final of the World Cup ’94 in Pasadena makes Aldo furious Serena: the former striker takes it out on the c.t. of that time, reminding him of the “defensive and modest” game of that National and scolding him for his lack of gratitude towards Roberto Baggio.
World Cup USA ’94, Arrigo Sacchi’s memory of the final
On July 17th, 30 years ago theItalia lost the final of World Cup Of Usa ’94 ai penaltiesagainst the Brazil. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of that match, Arrigo Bags he signed an article in the Gazzetta dello Sport recalling the adventure of the National at the American World Cup. In his article, the former coach calls the players of that Italy team “heroes”, but also recalls how that second place was not appreciated “as we would have expected”. “Given the recent results of the Italian national team, I strongly say that our second place at the 1994 World Cup should make us even more proud of that team. We lost on penalties, we were in the game until the end despite having no energy, what could they reproach us for?”.
Serena attacks Sacchi for forgetting Baggio
Aldo answered Sacchi’s question on X SerenaThe former Italian striker is not too light in attacking the former technical commissioneraccused of remembering only the result final of the ’94 World Cup. “With all due respect, with all due respect, you can’t read these things,” Serena wrote in her tweet. Game defensive e modesto (the one he always criticized). Roberto Baggio that after the humiliation against the Norway he saves face with his imagination and no sign of thanks.”
Italy at USA ’94: Fans are with Serena
In short, Serena Sacchi has forgotten that that Italy was very far from her coach’s idea of beautiful football and that the plays of a single player, Roberto Baggio, were fundamental in dragging the team along. National to the final. An opinion, that of the former striker, which finds wide consensus among the comments of the blue fans at his post. “Sacchi unreadable. A man completely devoured by his own boundless ego”, writes Francesco82. “Sacchi in that World Cup made every mistake that could be made”, adds Giuseppe. “Without Baggio we would have already come out with the Nigerialet’s not joke – Antonio recalls -, Baggio dragged us to the final, practically alone, never mind the schemes and chatter of Sacchi, the most presumptuous and overrated coach in Italian history!”. “USA ’94 was the consecration of the superiority of the individual over the group. The exact opposite of the belief of that gentleman who writes”, Giorgio’s opinion.