What can I drive with a B license?

Silvia Giorgi

automotive specialist

Silvia Giorgi is a web content writer specialized in automotive, FIA accredited. She has collaborated with national and international newspapers.

When we talk about a driving license B, we almost always think and imply the car. It is precisely the possibility of being able to drive a car that pushes almost all people to orient themselves towards this type of license, so much so that it also becomes an added value in the curriculum when looking for any kind of job. However, obtaining it opens the driver to a much wider range of possibilities and it is therefore a good idea to proceed with a review of all types of media – quadricycles, tricycles, motorcycles, emergency vehicles, agricultural machinery – which I can drive as soon as I am eligible to hold a category B license.

Quadricycles, cars and more

The moment we hold the B license in our hands after the usual effort to obtain it and to be informed about the news to obtain it, we are finally fit to drive a car, we know this well. Many new drivers buy a car, even an electric one, since the manufacturers now offer an excellent range of choice. We can, however, rely on many other means. To make it easier to remember, just keep in mind three main pieces of information: a maximum weight of 3.5 tons, 9 people including the driver and finally the maximum weight of 750 kilograms for the possible addition of a trailer. But let’s get into specifics. With a B license, in fact, I can drive:

  • cars weighing less than 3.5 tons and with 9 people on board, including the driver;
  • car that we have a trailer which does not exceed a weight of 750 kg and whose total weight does not exceed 3.5 tonnes;
  • trucks up to 3.5 tonswhich includes the vans for the transport of goods and people that comply with the above indications – 9 seats including the driver and up to 3.5 tons – even if they have a driving cabin with a maximum of three seats included in the bodywork and then a rear compartment. These are also able to circulate in urban centers without the obligation to fit a tachograph, as long as they respect the maximum speed limit of 90 km/h. In addition, these vans can also have a trailerwhich respect the same weight values ​​as cars with trailers;
  • emergency services vehiclessuch as police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, if below the usual threshold of 3.5 tonnes;
  • operating machineswhich can therefore be self-propelled, towed, tracked or road vehicles subject to the usual limits but it’s not possible get behind the wheel of those exceptional ones;
  • agricultural machinerytherefore also tractors, threshers and anything else, of any kind, even those exceptional. It is important to remember, however, that tracked tractors or fruit harvesting carts do not fall into this category and therefore require a separate license.


The B license adds motorcycles and tricycles to its range of vehicles that can be driven, as long as certain limits are respected to ensure road safety for everyone, including drivers. The other vehicles that I can drive when I pass the B license exam are quadricycles e motorcycles with a displacement that does not exceed 125 cc and with power that reaches up to 11 kW, and there are different types, and tricycles up to 15 KW.

Source: www.virgilio.it