With 1 kWh of electricity you can use three devices simultaneously, such as a dishwasher, dryer and refrigerator.
What is a kWh and in what cases is it used
It is defined kWh l’unit of measurement universal ofenergyin fact, energy is given by a combination of power (kW) e operating time (h).
Written as “kilowatt hour”, it therefore presents thebilling unit of electricity.
In practical terms, it indicates the quantity of electricity consumed within one clock hour. Knowing the meaning and practical use of this value is not only useful for technical purposes, but also for knowing how to correctly read a bill.
To then adapt and optimize your consumption accordingly. But what can you do with 1 kWh of energy? Here is the full answer.
Here’s how many appliances you can use with 1 kWh
Thanks to 1 kWh of electricity can be used numerous home appliancesincluding: refrigerator, dishwasher e dryer.
Attentionthe devices in question cannot be used simultaneously, but can nevertheless be used for long periods.
How much does a tumble dryer consume – photo Getty Images
In the case of refrigeratorthanks to 1 kWh of electricity this can be used for a period of approximately one day.
Which can be useful especially in the summer period, where low temperature storage is often essential.
You can also allow yourself the luxury of an entire cycle of dishwasherwhose average duration is around 2 ore. Quick cleaning programs can take even less time, further reducing consumption and thus allowing more than one use.
Similar speech for the dryerwhose use with 1 kWh of energy available is granted for approximately 50 minutes.
However, these three appliances are not the only uses that can be made thanks to a kilowatt hour.
What can you do with 1 kWh
In addition to the appliances mentioned above, with 1 kWh it can be done, for example, 3 ore of use consecutive of a desktop computerwhose average consumption in terms of energy is approximately 0,3 kWh per hour.
This means that, approximately, those who work in smart working via a fixed device they can consume up to 2.5 kWh / dayassuming constant use of 8 working hours.
Consumption is naturally indicative.
With a laptoptherefore independent of an electrical outlet except for charging sessions, the amount of electrical energy required will be significantly lower.
How many times can I recharge my smartphone with 1 kWh of energy – photo Getty Images
Depending on your consumption smartphonethanks to 1 kWh of electricity this can be recharged per a hundred times.
There are also many other uses that can be used, for example 45 minutes Of hairdryer or a day of TV.
Appliances that can be used simultaneously with 1 kWh
Taking into consideration i two appliances most frequent in a house, i.e. the refrigerator and the washing machine, you can have a precise reference on their consumption in an hour.
To understand how many appliances can be used at the same time thanks to a unit of kilowatt hour, consumption must be considered watt that these devices require.
Consumption of a refrigerator – photo Getty Images
By using these two household appliances at the same time for an hour, you can achieve a consumo at 1 kWh. Obviously taking into account that, depending on use, consumption could decrease or increase.
In fact, everything depends on the cycle of the washing machine, which to a high degree could lead to an increase in performance, just as it can also influence this number energy class to which the two devices in question belong.
Precisely for this reason it is essential to understand how to calculate consumption in kWh, and it is possible to do this thanks to a mathematical formula simple and intuitive.
How to calculate consumption in kWh
Consumption in kWh is calculated starting from a necessary premise: for each hour in which an appliance is used for 1.000 watt 1 kWh will be consumed.
This means that to calculate the consumption in kilowatt hours, simply multiply the power of the appliance for the tempo of actual use.
At high performance, a desktop computer can consume on average approximately 300 watt At that time.
Consume 1 kWh of energy using your desktop PC for 3 hours – photo Getty Images
This means that, to reach the three-zero figure, three hours will have to pass. From this it can therefore be deduced that 1 kWh will allow the use of the PC for 3 hours straight.
Although the calculation of consumption in kWh can be carried out thanks to a simple mathematical operation, in reality this is not a result that can always be taken for granted, in fact it is necessary to take into account the many factors that can influence it.
However, it is only through awareness that one will be able to understand come save electricity and reduce excess consumption.
Source: www.lavorincasa.it