What causes the mass extinction of birds across Europe?

The sudden drop in temperature, heavy rainfall and floods not only threaten human lives, but also the lives of birds. In Poland, Austria and Croatia, bird deaths have been recorded, especially those that migrate to warmer regions during the winter. Swallows and swifts are among the most endangered, they “die en masse” due to the cold and lack of food.

Bird plague in Europe – swallows are particularly endangered

The Czech daily “Blesk” writes about the case. According to reports, swallows are “massively dying” in the west of the country. Hundreds of birds have already died. The older and more experienced swallows started to leave their nests a week ago, and this year’s young, unfortunately, have not yet flown away. The consequences are deplorable.

“I haven’t experienced something like this in 31 years,” says Libor Šejna from the Animal Rescue Station in Makovo (Czech Republic).

He adds that the birds are looking for shelter in every possible corner, trying to find a place where they can warm up. The birds are weakened because the lack of insect activity means a lack of food for them. Some animals end up in the Animal Emergency, but unfortunately in a condition that makes rescue impossible.

Swallows and swifts are birds that adapt to life in the air, they feed on midges and other small flying insects, which are becoming fewer and fewer in these areas due to the rain and unfavorable weather conditions.

“Birds from this family are adapted to life in the air because they feed on flying insects, but also on other small invertebrates found in the air. This way of life and complete dependence on flying insects makes them very sensitive to sudden colds that last for several days.

The storm arrived in the UNtime

Such a situation is happening in a large part of Europe these days. The situation is particularly difficult for birds when such cold weather catches them on migration, which is currently the case with many of them,” said Dubravko Dender, an ornithologist from the Biom association, for Jutarnji list.

His colleague from the same association, ornithologist Iva Šoštarić, explains that young birds, born this year, who until now have lived in dry conditions because they have not had time to learn to adapt to different weather conditions, suffer the most.

“It is about the fact that the sudden change in weather and heavy rains especially affect the young pigeons, born this year, who lived in very dry conditions until recently. All this caught them unprepared, they cannot adapt to the newly created situation which is very challenging, they did not take shelter in time, they caught cold and find it difficult to find food.

Rain is normally problematic for birds, they lose thermoregulation and cannot fly, so they wait for it to stop raining,” she said.

Residents of Zagreb are worried about the death of birds and, according to the Biom association, they constantly ask them for advice on how to take care of these helpless animals. The advice they receive is to contact local shelters or veterinarians and to keep the wild birds in the house, but in boxes in a dry and sheltered place.

Although birds love seeds, swallows and swallows mainly feed on larvae, which can be obtained from pet stores. An alternative would be wet cat food.

Source: NIN

Source: www.agromedia.rs