WHAT DID NOLE SAY TO THE WATER POLO PLAYERS IN PARIS? “They weren’t in a good mood. They started doubting themselves.” – Olympic Games Paris 2024

“The situation with the golden water polo players was not planned!”

The best tennis player ever Novak Djokovic gave an interview to Radio Television of Serbia. The season is coming to an end, and Djokovic was left without a title at the Grand Slam tournaments, but won a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Pariswhich was his last big goal.

It is currently located in Belgrade where he prepares for the upcoming one David kup match against the national team Greecewhich will be played 14. i 15. September in the hall “Aleksandar Nikolić”.

Djokovic shared his experiences about the motivational messages he provided to water polo players.

The situation with the golden water polo players was not planned. Some talked about it in public. I didn’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to reveal what I told them in the room. I came and they were having a team meeting and they weren’t in a good mood. They began to doubt themselves, and they made us happy so many times. No one ever like them. Every game for them, whether club or national team, must be won. If not, it’s the end of the world. I shared my experiences more, because they asked me from the mission to dedicate my time and enter their room. They were surprised, and so was I. Everything was spontaneous. But even though we are not in the same sport, we have a lot of common names that connect our sports. From a general perspective, we can talk about the same or similar things. I don’t like to give advice, but I like to share my experience and then I’m glad if someone finds it. But don’t attribute their gold to me – he laughed Djokovic.

Olympic Games, welcoming the Olympians

When it comes to mental stability, DOkovic said:

It dates back to earlier days. In the early years of playing tennis, I had an example, primarily in my father, who was and still is persistent. He believed in me even when I didn’t. And my mother, who supported four men, since I have two brothers, in 40 square meters. There were many challenges, because I chose a sport that is extremely expensive, and we all know what the weather was like, sanctions. I needed someone to always push me forward, regardless of who is on the other side of the net, with all due respect to the opponent. But to believe in myself and that every word, thought has its own power. That, therefore, came from the house. Then Jelena Genčić, now deceased. Then Nikola Pilić. Those with so much knowledge, a treasure trove of trophies and work with the greatest players in the world. Jelena since I was seven years old, Niki Pilić got involved a little later, until today. I was lucky that my family came across top experts who were able to pass on knowledge to me, but also to give me self-confidence and self-confidence at the right moment, even when I was growing up, in puberty. Every word I received had its own power.

Source: hotsport.rs