What does the building manager do? | Economy.rs

The building manager is a really important figure when it comes to successful and adequate management and maintenance of all parts of the residential area. His duties range from day-to-day operations, such as maintaining common areas, to resolving tenant disputes and ensuring their safety.

Understanding the manager’s rights and obligations can significantly improve cooperation between him and the tenant. When tenants know what they can expect from the manager and what he can do for them, it leads to better communication and greater trust.

How to choose a building manager

Before we go into details about the role of the building manager and his daily tasks, it is important that you know and how to choose a building managerbecause this can significantly affect the quality of building management and the satisfaction of all tenants.

The choice of the manager of the housing association can be reached in different ways, depending on whether it is a person who already lives in that building or a professional person hired from outside.

  • The manager of the residential building from among the tenants: When it is decided that the manager will be one of the tenants, the election is carried out during the tenants’ assembly, where all those present vote for the candidate who is considered the most suitable to lead the community. For the election to be valid, it is necessary that at least half of the tenants, with one vote, support the chosen candidate.
  • Professional building manager: In situations where the tenants cannot agree on who will take over the management duties, there is a possibility of hiring a professional manager. In this case, the housing association can turn to an agency that offers real estate management services and can assign them a licensed manager. The function of the professional manager is similar to the former role of the president of the tenants’ assembly, but the terminology has been changed by adoption of the Law on Housing and Building Maintenance.

In addition to professional administrators, there is also a compulsory administrator. This manager is appointed by the local government when tenants fail to agree on who should perform this duty or if the community has not entered into a professional management agreement.

What are the basic duties of the building manager?

One of the main responsibilities of the building manager is to implement the decisions of the tenants’ assembly, manage administrative affairs and manage finances. Due to the importance of these responsibilities, it is important that you choose a licensed manager who can perform his tasks professionally, which today you can do electronically through a platform such as Beohost.

Maintenance of common spaces is one of the managers’ priorities. This includes regular maintenance of corridors, elevators and other common areas. The organization of regular inspections is also important for identifying potential problems and ensuring safety.

The manager is responsible for:

  • Checking the condition of the main systems (electrical, plumbing and heating installations).
  • Preventive repairs to solve small problems before they become serious.
  • Hiring specialists for certain repairs and maintenance.

In addition to all this, an important part of the manager’s job is financial management, which includes:

  • Preparation of the annual budget for all community needs.
  • Collection of monthly contributions from tenants and other income.
  • Regular informing of tenants about financial reports.
  • Regular monitoring of expenses to avoid unplanned financial obligations.
  • Long-term planning for the improvement of common spaces.
  • Maintaining a reserve fund for emergency repairs and contingencies.

Through these activities, the building manager significantly contributes to preserving the value of the real estate and creating a pleasant living environment for the tenants.

How does a building manager improve tenant safety?

When we talk about the safety of the tenants, the building manager plays a really important role, primarily through regular maintenance of the building, which contributes to ensuring that all systems function properly. In this way, the risk of accidents that may occur due to incorrect installations or damage is reduced.

The manager is also in charge of implementing various security measures. This includes installing fire protection systems, installing security cameras and improving lighting in common areas.

Every residential building must have a clearly defined evacuation plan so that tenants can safely leave the building in the event of an emergency. The manager should organize regular education for tenants about evacuation procedures, as well as simulations to verify the effectiveness of the existing plan.

The evacuation plan includes clearly marked exits, meeting places and designation of persons who will assist the elderly or persons with special needs. Also, the manager must ensure that all exits are always accessible and free of obstacles.

The role of the building manager in the safety of the tenants is therefore multi-layered and extremely important for safe living within the residential community.

What are the rights of the building manager?

The building manager has the authority to require tenants to meet their financial obligations to the common fund. In addition, in the case of urgent works, the manager can hire contractors without the need for the prior approval of all tenants.

Also, the manager is authorized to convene tenant meetings and propose plans and budgets for building maintenance. These rights and powers create the foundation for responsible and transparent management of the building.

In the end, successful real estate management requires teamwork, careful monitoring of all processes and constant improvement. The joint effort of all tenants and professional managers can ensure long-term stability and harmony in the housing community.

Source: www.economy.rs