What else is cheaper in HR and BIH?

We researched fuel prices in the region on the spot: What else is cheaper in HR and BIH?

If you are in doubt as to whether you should fill up your tank before leaving Serbia before going to Bosnia or Croatia on a business trip or vacation, know that diesel, gasoline and gas are cheaper in Croatia, while in Bosnia the difference amounts to much more. The same applies to food prices, which are significantly cheaper and more accessible in Bosnia, while in Croatia they are similar to ours.

Fuel in Croatia and Bosnia incredibly cheaper

The fact that fuel is cheaper in Bosnia is not something new, since it has always been that way. In addition to fuel, food, tobacco and alcohol are also cheaper there, especially prices in restaurants.

When it comes to Croatia, except for fuel and some small items, most items are overpriced and expensive, and the price of food in Croatian markets is similar to the prices in ours.

The prices in the restaurants on the stretch from Dubrovnik to the border with Montenegro, which wait for you upon entering the restaurant, almost freeze you, so after seeing the menu, you need to drink something warm, preferably something as cheap as possible (coffee/tea) in order to got warm.

After that, there is nothing left for you but to order a decent and affordable meal (e.g. grilled squid), drink another drink, and it all costs you about 30 euros per person. Well, it’s not much for that beauty!

Everything is more expensive in Dubrovnik except fuel

Fuel in Croatia is cheaper than fuel in Serbia, and Eurodiesel is a convincing leader in this regard.

Eurosuper 95 costs 1.45 euros (169 dinars according to the average NBS exchange rate), which represents a difference of about 7 dinars per liter, while the price of Eurodiesel, which is 1.37 euros (160 dinars), is 31 dinars more favorable than the current value of that oil derivative. in Serbia.

Nemanja Kuč

A liter of autogas (LPG) costs 0.74 euros (86 dinars).

Talking to a worker at the INA gas station in Dubrovnik, I came across incredible information.

He believes that fuel prices are high and that it is necessary to reduce them by at least 10 percent.

He does not comment on our statement that “their expensive” fuel is cheaper than fuel in Serbia.

One of the gasoline buyers added that he expects prices to increase, and added with a laugh that he plans to switch to a bicycle in the coming years for the sake of the sustainability of his wallet and the planet.

Bosnia and prices in it

In order to give you a clear explanation of the prices of basic food in Bosnia, we will mention only two items: half a kilogram of coffee costs about 9 marks (537 RSD), while for a kilogram of boneless pork you need to pay on average between 9 and 10 marks (550 – 600 dinars).

When it comes to prices in restaurants, nothing has changed. Food is literally twice as cheap as in the Serbian capital, or by a third compared to most cities in our country.

We managed to fill the tank of the vehicle for 800 dinars less money than at the gas station in Belgrade, and that really makes a difference.

If I had driven a diesel I would have saved even more!

These are the fuel prices in Bosnia: gasoline costs 2.4 marks (144 RSD), a liter of diesel is 2.35 marks (140), while the price of gas per liter is 1.2 marks (72 dinars).

All in all, in order to avoid comparing the ratio of GDP, most often wages, and the amount of tax expenditures in Serbia, HR and BiH, we will try to give a layman’s conclusion.

It is incredible that in such a small geographical area, there are so many differences in the prices of goods that are classified as basic human needs. We advise you that, if you go on vacation or a trip to BiH or Croatia, you must buy food in BiH, and even if you forget to fill up fuel in BiH, keep in mind that you will pay for it cheaper in Croatia than in Serbia.

Source: BIZLife/Nemanja Kuč

Photo: Nemanja Kuč

Source: bizlife.rs