Penalty share
So, on January 1, amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses came into force. A driver who exceeded the speed limit by 21 km/h still faced a fine of 500 rubles. Taking into account the discount for payment within 20 days from the date of the decision – 250 rubles. But now he faces a fine of 750 rubles. Taking into account the discount – 500 rubles. That is, minus 25 percent. But plus 10 days for preferential payment. After all, starting from the new year, the number of days increases: a fine with a discount can be paid not within 20 days, as was previously the case, but within 30.
The explanation for this increase is simple. Since 2013, fines have not changed even once. At the same time, the cost of beef and eggs has almost doubled. The cost of a pack of cigarettes is two and a half times. The cost of the car is three times. This is Rosstat data. The number of traffic violations is growing. The number of their victims is also growing. Many perceive the opportunity to pay a reduced fine as an indulgence. Simply put, any violation costs you money. Toll travel on a free road.
Increased recycling fee
The most noticeable and tangible will be the increase in recycling collection. This is for those who were planning to buy a car. If for the bulk of cars it has grown relatively tolerably (by about 100 thousand rubles or about 4-5% in relation to the average cost of cars), then for certain categories it has grown tens of times higher than before.
As lawyer Sergei Radko explained, for electric cars and newfangled sequential-type hybrids (in which a conventional internal combustion engine is intended only to recharge the batteries), you will have to pay 667,400 rubles to the customs office for new ones and 1,174,000 rubles for three-year-old ones. Previously it was 32,600 rubles and 122,000 rubles, respectively. The growth is almost 20 and 10 times, respectively.
True, the amount of preferential recycling fee provided that citizens import a car for personal use (once a year) will still be 3,400 rubles for new ones and 5,200 rubles for used ones.
But there are some subtleties here. Only its owner can import a car at a reduced rate. The fact is that on March 1, amendments to the law on vehicle registration will come into force. According to them, the traffic police will check the payment of this fee. In fact, if another owner imported the car and then resold it in Russia within a year, then he will have to pay an additional recycling fee. Otherwise, the new owner will not be able to register the car.
In addition, other difficulties arise, explains Sergei Radko. Local dealers do not always undertake to service a car purchased abroad, even for money, citing the lack of the necessary software for a car manufactured for the foreign market.
Infographic “RG” / Leonid Kuleshov / Vladimir Barshev
Transport tax
Let us remind you that transport tax is a regional matter. But in the capital, tax benefits for electric vehicles will be cancelled. So the owners of such cars will have to pay the full rate. And if you consider that they are quite powerful, even if their power is not calculated in hp. and in kilowatts, it won’t seem a little.
Fortunately, this tax will be charged only at the end of 2025.
Rooms with flags only
Also, from January 1, a new edition of the national standard has been in force, providing for the mandatory presence of a flag on registration plates. Until now, it provided the ability to stamp signs, both with and without a flag. When registering a car, the traffic police issued signs exclusively with the “tricolor”. But the law provides for the possibility of obtaining from the traffic police only a registration certificate with the assignment of a car number. And making signs yourself. And here the car owner could demand that these metal plates be printed for him without the flag. GOST allowed this. Now – no.
However, those car owners whose signs do not have the Russian flag will not have to re-issue them until the car is re-registered. Nobody will hold them accountable. Both the law and, especially, GOST do not have retroactive force.
OSAGO with a surprise
A new punishment has appeared: a fine for repeatedly driving a vehicle without compulsory motor insurance. If earlier, no matter how many times a driver was caught on the road without insurance, he faced 800 rubles, now for a repeated violation he will be fined from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.
However, the presence of such a policy will not be checked when registering the car. Doesn’t make sense. If you have the opportunity to buy a short policy, valid for a day, why check it when registering. However, perhaps this year they will start using cameras to check the availability of insurance policies. To begin with, no fines will be issued. Notifications will be sent. But in the future, the system will begin sending fines automatically.
Let us also recall the expansion of the tariff corridor and the increase in coefficients for cars, and especially motorcycle drivers. The Central Bank has developed a draft amendment to the instructions on tariffs, where separate age-experience coefficients are introduced for motorbike owners.
In addition, it is envisaged to expand the tariff corridor in both directions for public transport by 11.6%, for motorcycles and trucks (up to 16 tons) by 20%, as well as changing certain coefficient values for territories. They will be reduced in large cities and increased in smaller cities and towns. It is also planned to increase the coefficient for individuals for allowing an unlimited number of drivers to drive a car: from 2.32 to 3.16.
In general, the New Year for car owners can start with big expenses. Even where they were not expecting them.