What is a general policy statement?

It is a classic, “a republican custom” even, according to vie-publique.fr. This Tuesday, Michel Barnier will deliver a general policy declaration to the National Assembly. But actually, what is it about? Is this obligatory? What does this speech imply? 20 Minutes takes stock.

What is a general policy statement?

As indicated by the site vie-publique.fr, the Prime Minister issues a general policy declaration when a new government takes office. The latter sets out the main directions of his program, the main reforms and measures he wishes to put in place.

Where is this statement made?

The Prime Minister makes this declaration before the National Assembly. Generally, at the same time, it is read from the Senate gallery by another member of the government.

Last January, when Gabriel Attal made this famous speech to the deputiesits text was read by Bruno Le Maire, to the senators. The latter provoked chuckles from his audience when he indicated “being born in 1989”, reading word for word those of the Prime Minister at the time.

Is general policy speech obligatory?

In the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, this speech is simply mentioned and does not make the exercise “obligatory”. But this step has become systematized over the years and has become a “republican custom”.

The site vie-publique.fr has listed the general policy declarations made after the formation of a new government since that made by Michel Debré in 1959.

And after the general policy speech?

After the Prime Minister speaks, the various representatives of the parliamentary groups can speak to “approve” or “disapprove” of the head of government.

As its name indicates, the general policy declaration only has a declarative value, but the Prime Minister can hold his government responsible on the basis of this declaration, provided for by article 49 paragraph 1 of the Constitution. and organize a vote of confidence.

What does a vote of confidence involve?

If the majority of MPs vote against the government, it must resign. Otherwise, the government then benefits from reinforced legitimacy before Parliament to implement its political program.

As the site vie-publique.fr points out, the general policy declaration is followed by a vote of confidence when the Prime Minister has an absolute majority. Which is not the case for Michel Barnier. The Prime Minister therefore has no interest in holding his government accountable to the relative majority and seeking this vote of confidence. According to Europe 1, he will not do it. There was also no vote of confidence after the speeches of Michel Rocard, Édith Cresson or even Élisabeth Borne.

Without a vote of confidence, what can MPs do?

Without the organization of a vote of confidence, the opposing parliamentary groups can table a motion of censure against the government.

Last Thursday, the leaders of the New Popular Front in the Assembly decided that their motion of censure against the Barnier government would be tabled at the end of next week rather than Tuesday, after the Prime Minister’s general policy declaration. It will be defended by a member of the socialist group.

The latest news from the Barnier government

The rules of the Assembly require that a motion of censure must be discussed no earlier than forty-eight hours and no later than the 5th day of sitting after its tabling.

To be adopted, this motion of censure needs the votes of National Rally deputies to have a chance of obtaining the 289 votes necessary for a possible overthrow of the government in October. A timetable so far dismissed by the executives of Marine Le Pen’s group who want to “give the Prime Minister time”. For the far-right party, the general policy declaration, and therefore the presentation of the political program, is decisive.

Source: www.20minutes.fr