What is hidden in the mysterious “town of the dead” in the mountains of Ingushetia

The Shuan “town of the dead”, located in the Dzheirakh-Assinsky reserve of Ingushetia, is located in the mountains, west of the Shoan tower complex. Recently, the reserve staff went there for inspection.


There are more than 200 underground and semi-underground collective crypts with remains dating from the late Middle Ages.

The scale of the Shuang “city of the dead” (Mohde) is truly impressive: it is the largest necropolis in the region, consisting of more than 200 underground and semi-underground collective crypts with remains dating back to the late Middle Ages.

Burials can be completely submerged in the ground or visible from the outside thanks to low stone pillars and mounds. Some have a dome, and some, completely hidden underground, have only a hole. Still others are underground chambers with a gable stepped roof that partially protrudes from the ground.

Crypts are rectangular in shape, while burial chambers are often equipped with stone or wooden shelves, small niches and stone chests that may be built into the side walls. There are also hiding places in the walls.

Some tombs contain several chambers and levels with special beds for the deceased.

Since the end of the 19th century, this necropolis has been actively studied by researchers. Numerous finds have been discovered, including clay jugs with Georgian inscriptions and Golden Horde coins. The research results date the burial ground to the period of the second half of the 13th-15th centuries.

However, only 77 crypt tombs are officially included in the state register. “The work to include these objects in the unified state register of cultural heritage sites of Russia continues,” the reserve reports.

Source: rodina-history.ru