What is important to know when choosing protective work shoes?

The priority of every organization is the safety of work and its employees, because a safe working environment prevents injuries and ensures productive, efficient work. It is very important to choose special suitable footwear for the employee, based on the risk analysis of a specific company. Martin Locke, manager of workwear and PPE stores Grolls, explains what factors should be taken into account when choosing footwear.

  • What is important to know when choosing protective work shoes?

Nature and conditions of work

When choosing protective work shoesfirst of all, the workplace and the specifics of the work should be taken into account, since different conditions and tasks require different properties. For example, on a construction site, reinforced toe protection and a puncture-resistant sole are important, which protect from falling weights and sharp objects. Industrial and warehouse workers, due to active movement on various surfaces, require non-slip shock-absorbing footwear. Operators of manual forklifts must wear safety shoes with a reinforced toe.

Protection classes and characteristics

Requirements for work footwear are defined by the standards: EN ISO 20345:2011 and EN ISO 20347:2012.

The characteristics of footwear according to EN ISO 20345:2011 determine the protection class and protective properties footwear, including the resistance of materials to temperature, impact or moisture.

Although it is tempting to wear flip-flops in summer road construction work in 25-degree heat, open shoes are not suitable for working on hot asphalt; here, work shoes with special properties are needed. In addition, on construction sites there is a risk of contact with chemicals, paints or oils, which makes ordinary shoes slippery. Whereas when working with electronics, shoes with anti-static properties with the designation “ESD” are required.

Always check the markings on the shoes to ensure they are suitable for your specific work environment!

Comfort and suitability

Although protective properties are extremely important, comfort should not be forgotten, since work shoes are often worn for long hours. Shoes should fit the shape of the worker’s foot, since shoes that are too narrow or too wide will rub, cause blisters, and will not fit properly. In the case of safety shoes, it is better to choose a model with a spacious last, especially for those who work standing, since their feet can swell during the workday. And although safety shoes are usually heavier than everyday shoes, you can choose a version made of lightweight materials, for example, with a composite toe cap, which is lighter than steel, or textile protection against nails. For working in warm conditions, it is important to choose shoes that allow the foot to breathe and prevent excessive moisture.

And if there is no need for protective footwear, experts still recommend trying the effect of a custom insole for regular street shoes. Those who lead an active lifestyle must pay attention to the comfort of their shoes.

Reliability and care

The reliability of work shoes is of great importance for their service life and protective properties. Both the choice of material and regular care help to assess and maintain the reliability of shoes. High-quality materials (such as leather or highly wear-resistant synthetic materials) have a longer service life. Regular cleaning and care help to maintain the protective properties and comfort, while special care products are needed to maintain the waterproofness of shoes. Replacing the insoles can help prevent leg/back fatigue and ensure comfort.

Water resistance and water repellency

Many people do not pay attention to the fact that waterproofing and water-repellent properties are different characteristics. Standards for work shoes stipulate that protection classes S2/S3 and O2/O3 designate water-repellent products, with the “WRU” (Water-Resistant Upper) symbol. This means that the upper of the shoe retains water for a short time, although it is not waterproof. Waterproofing means that the shoe can completely block water penetration, keeping your feet completely dry even after prolonged exposure to moisture or water. Special membranes are used for waterproofing, and such shoes are designated with the abbreviation “WR” (Water-Resistant).

Indoors, it is recommended to use water-repellent care products rather than waterproof footwear, as feet tend to sweat more here, and waterproof footwear will feel wet or damp. The same applies to water-repellent winter footwear – for example, if you work at 0° C, your feet may sweat, and then the footwear will feel as if it is letting water through.

Pay attention to the manufacturer

Choosing a quality work boot manufacturer is important because well-known brands adhere to strict standards and their products are usually more durable and effective. Grolls sells a wide range of quality, durable and comfortable work boots, made from premium materials and with a stylish appearance. We have our own brand Gesto in our range, as well as well-known brands in our market, Siev i and Jalas. When choosing winter boots, we definitely recommend choosing manufacturers from the Nordic countries, who are well aware of our harsh weather conditions and produce boots that provide the necessary warmth, waterproofness and non-slip properties.

The choice of safety footwear is important because it must be appropriate for the tasks and conditions of work. Here, you should proceed from the requirements and nature of the work, comfort, durability and reliability of the manufacturer. Investing in suitable work footwear helps prevent accidents at work and ensures the well-being and safety of employees. Grollsoffers work footwear for both indoor and outdoor conditions.
More about Grolls: www.grolls.ee

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What is important to know when choosing protective work shoes?

The priority of every organization is the safety of work and its employees, because a safe working environment prevents injuries and ensures productive, efficient work. It is very important to choose special suitable footwear for the employee, based on the risk analysis of a specific company. Martin Locke, manager of workwear and PPE stores Grolls, explains what factors should be taken into account when choosing footwear.

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Source: www.dv.ee