what is known about the new Russian project of a ship with double ammunition “Caliber” –

Russian designers are developing a new small rocket ship “Sarsar”, said the general director of the Ak Bars corporation, Renat Mistakhov. According to him, the project is being created on the basis of the Buyan-M MRK, which was successfully used in the Syrian conflict and is involved today in the Northern Military District. The main difference between the Sarsar and its predecessor will be the expanded ammunition load of Caliber cruise missiles: on the promising ship, their number is planned to be doubled – from eight to 16-20 units. The new product will also receive an updated air defense system and artillery. According to analysts, an increase in the number of Calibers will significantly increase the combat power of both the RTOs themselves and the Russian fleet as a whole.

Russia is developing a new small missile ship (SMRK) of Project 21635.5 “Sarsar” with an increased ammunition capacity of “Caliber” cruise missiles. The general director of the Ak Bars shipbuilding corporation, Renat Mistakhov, announced this on the air of the “Military Acceptance” program on the Zvezda TV channel.

“This is still just a model, developments, but it already contains interesting things… there is an element of increasing the number of “Calibers”. If before that we (placed. – RT) eight “Calibers”, then 16 have already been proposed here, but it can be increased to 20,” said Mistakhov.

According to the head of Ak Bars, Sarsar is being created on the basis of the Project 21631 Buyan-M small missile ship. Compared to its predecessor, the hull of the new combat vessel will be longer. The displacement will also increase – from 949 tons to approximately 1.5 thousand tons. The increase in dimensions will also make it possible to equip the ship with an updated air defense system, modern artillery and missile systems.

Previously, Mistakhov reported in an interview with RIA Novosti that in order to improve seaworthiness, the water jets of the previous project will be replaced with classic propellers. In October 2022, he noted that Ak Bars plans to offer Sarsary to both the Russian Navy and foreign customers.

Shock for NATO

Let us remind you that Buyan-M, like Sarsar, was created by specialists from the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau (part of Ak Bars). The construction of ships of this series began in 2010 at the JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky.”

“This project turned out to be so successful that the fleet decided to build 12 such units. Today, this is the first such massively produced ship project in modern Russia,” notes the Military Acceptance report.

  • Launch of the Caliber rocket

  • RIA Novosti

  • © Vadim Savitsky

The main purpose of Buyanov-M is the protection and protection of the exclusive economic zone of the state. However, they are also used for other purposes. For example, it was from these RTOs that in 2015 the first “Caliber” strike was launched from the Caspian Sea against terrorists in Syria.

“It was a shock for NATO… This meant that ships could strike without going… into the Black and Mediterranean Seas, but they themselves could be inaccessible. It was the use of the “Caliber” complex that gave further development to the ship, so the series was extended,” Yakov Kushnir, chief designer of the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau, said on the air of “Military Acceptance.”

Today Buyany-M takes part in the SVO. As noted on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, they confirmed their effectiveness both during the battles in Syria and during the special operation.

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Military expert retired colonel Viktor Litovkin believes that it is the presence of “Calibers” in the Buyanov-M arsenal that is the main advantage of these RTOs.

“With their help, you can strike from a great distance without endangering the ship itself. This is a big advantage,” the specialist noted in a conversation with RT.

The design of the ship was created taking into account the requirements of reducing radar signature and includes such elements as inclined flat surfaces of the superstructure, bulwarks, as well as superstructures hidden in the planes, decks, doors and hatches.

An important feature of RTOs is the ability to move both by sea and along rivers. This is achieved, among other things, due to the low draft, which is 2.6 m.

According to the weekly Zvezda, the maximum speed of the Buyan-M is 25 knots (46.3 km/h), length – 74.1 m, and width – 11 m. The cruising range at an economical speed reaches 2.5 thousand. miles (4.63 thousand km), and reserves of fuel and provisions allow Buyan-M to operate autonomously for up to ten days.

By using the 3R-14 UKSK universal ship-based firing system, Project 21631 ships can launch not only Caliber missiles, but also Onyx supersonic anti-ship missiles.

In addition to this, Buyany-M is armed with a single-barrel 100-mm automatic artillery mount A-190M “Universal”, a 30-mm 12-barrel anti-aircraft artillery system for short-range defense of the AK-630M1-2 “Duet” and two 3M turret launchers -47 “Bending R”.

In addition, the Buyan arsenal includes two 14.5-mm MTPU naval pedestal machine gun mounts, three 7.62-mm machine guns, two PK-10 “Brave” jamming systems and a TK-25 electronic countermeasures mount.

Double increase in ammunition load

Former commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Vladimir Komoedov, believes that increasing the number of Caliber missiles on the Sarsar will provide a significant increase in the ship’s combat power.

“Calibers” can be used not only individually, but also in one gulp. A salvo of 20 missiles will be much more powerful,” the specialist explained in an interview with RT.

  • Small missile ship of the Black Sea Fleet “Vyshny Volochyok” of the Buyan-M project, equipped with the high-precision missile system “Caliber-NK”

  • © Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Other experts share a similar opinion. In particular, Viktor Litovkin believes that such a decision by the designers will significantly increase the striking power of the ship and attacking units. In turn, the editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine, military analyst Igor Korotchenko, recalled that “Calibers” can hit at a distance of about 1.5 thousand km.

“Doubling the ammunition load of these missiles with the possibility of using them at such a distance from any water area where ships of this class are present is, of course, a significant increase in combat capabilities. Especially if we are talking about a salvo strike,” the analyst said.

At the same time, experts remind that Sarsar currently still has the status of a promising project. However, according to Viktor Litovkin, such ships could significantly increase the combat capabilities of the Russian Navy.

“There are no redundant ships with such weapons as the Caliber. Especially now – in a difficult period, when Russia is forced to conduct military operations with the Western world in Ukraine,” the specialist concluded.

Source: russian.rt.com