What is meant by eco design: the TOTAL rules of sustainable design

It is an approach to design oriented towards environmental sustainability. Among the rules that outline this process are the preference for the use of sustainable materials, with priority given to recyclable ones; energy efficiency through the promotion of the reduction of consumption throughout the life cycle of the product. Then there is duration and longevity: in this case the creation of robust and repairable objects is encouraged. Finally, recyclability, disposal and social impact.

L’eco designor sustainable design (design for sustainability in English)is an approach adopted in the world of design and oriented towards environmental sustainability. It represents a type of economy that, in addition to evaluating the productive aspect, takes into account the impact that the product will have on the environment. And this during the entire life cycle, from production to disposal. Eco design is subject to some rules imposed by the authorities. Below we analyze them, examining in depth what is specifically meant by sustainable design.

What is eco design?

Wanting to provide a clear definition, we quote the one reported by the Treccani dictionary. For the latter, eco design is a “theoretical model of economic development that takes into consideration the productive activity, evaluating both the benefits deriving from growth and the environmental impact caused by the activity of transformation of raw materials.”

Clarified the meaning of eco sustainable designit is worth specifying that currently European manufacturers of household appliances such as refrigerators, computers, etc., are already required to comply with the regulations, both in terms of reducing energy consumption and in terms of reducing environmental impact. And this starting from the design phase since, as also stated by John Thackaraone of the leading experts in sustainability, “80% of the environmental impact of products (…) is determined at the design stage”. In order to pursue further successes in this field, the European Union intends to implement eco-design standards that apply to almost all products.

When eco design was born

Eco design really took hold in the 90s, when people became consciously aware of the environmental effects that a product can have. The first to have raised criticisms regarding the environmental degradation due to the expansion of industrial activity were, however, the members of the arts and crafts movement already at the end of 1900. While the first positions regarding environmental problems were put forward between the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s by some exponents of the sector, who focused on the designer’s responsibility regarding the topic of consumption. Going back to the 90s, it is precisely in this historical moment that the concept of life cycle is introduced to evaluate products along their entire path.

What is meant by eco-sustainable development?

Simply the creation of products or processes that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a broad concept that encompasses economic, social and environmental aspects, and aims to find a balance between human needs and respect for the environment.

Fonte: Pexels

What is meant by sustainable design?

Following the previous concept, sustainable design is a creative process that integrates the principles of eco design with the aim of minimizing environmental impact, optimizing energy efficiency and promoting recyclable materials and eco-friendly production processes. In this regard, to those who ask What materials does eco design use?we answer that these include cork, wood, jute, bamboo, linoleum, aluminum.

5 Rules of Sustainable Design

The European Council has adopted its position on the proposal for a regulation establishing guidelines for the setting of ecodesign requirements for certain product groups. The aim is to ensure that these are energy and resource efficient, but at the same time “more durable, reliable, reusable, upgradable, repairable and recyclable and easier to manage in terms of maintenance”.

Among the rules that sustainable eco design refers to are the following:

  1. Sustainable materials: that is, giving priority to recyclable materials, with low environmental impact and coming from sustainable sources.
  2. Energy efficiency: in short, the promotion of products that minimize energy consumption during production, use and disposal.
  3. Durability and longevity: favor the creation of durable, resistant and easily repairable products, to prolong their useful life.
  4. Recyclability and disposal: plan the product life cycle considering the entire disposal process, recycling and waste minimization.
  5. Social impact: last but not least, social and ethical aspects must be considered along the production chain.


Source: www.greenstyle.it