WHAT is regenerative agriculture and why is it a NECESSITY for Serbian agriculture?

Unlike Europe, most of the world is gradually but decisively switching to the system of regenerative agriculture, which is imposed as a necessity in stopping the degradation process and improving the quality of the land. We talked about this topic with agronomist Florijan Farkaš, who explained to us what regenerative agriculture actually is and why it is necessary to introduce it into domestic agriculture.

Regenerative agriculture – the key to stopping degradation processes

As Florijan explained to us, regenerative agriculture is one of the solutions for stopping the degradation processes, the loss of organic matter, which is being talked about more and more in our area.

If this approach is expanded, it may affect the change of microclimate in certain regions. That change may refer to the easier attraction of a larger amount of precipitation, which is very significant in regions such as Vojvodina, where there is very little forestation.

It can also bring a chance for the development of a certain region on a wider level, because the positive effect could certainly be felt outside of agriculture.

“On the other hand, if we only stick to agriculture, the regenerative approach provides an elegant way to integrate farming, i.e. animal husbandry, because one of the very important elements in regenerative agriculture is the inclusion of as many domestic and wild animals as possible at the level of those products. ”, explains Florian.

Conservation tillage – soil conservation: the secret of fertility

What does regenerative agriculture actually mean?

We asked our interlocutor what this approach actually entails in terms of technology. He explained to us that these are very subtle, non-invasive tactics for improving the quality of land.

“It is drastically different compared to classic agriculture, even compared to conservation agriculture. One of the basic principles, without which the regulatory system will not function, is to does not touch the land. That is, to replace those mechanics, tools, that iron roots of plants.

Between the main crops, we grow cover crops, which then automatically increase the microbiological activity of the soil. And if we don’t use iron, then we have to use the roots of other plants,” explains Florian.

WHAT is regenerative agriculture and why is it a NECESSITY for Serbian agriculture?

The future of this technology in Serbia

Domestic farmers are certainly skeptical about not using mechanization when cultivating the land. We asked our interlocutor how a farmer could switch to a regenerative agriculture system.

“Unless a person is enthusiastic or too excited and conscious about the loss of our basic natural resource, I personally think that without the help of the system, without adequate measures of agrarian policy, with some system of subsidies, it will hardly take root on larger areas”. Florian is skeptical.

How Regenerative Agriculture PERMANENTLY Restores Soil Fertility

The visibility of the effects depends on the type of land

We also wondered how much time should pass in order to clearly see the first effects of applying this approach in land treatment. As Florian explained to us, everything depends on the type of land.

“Let’s say on Chernozem, certain effects can be seen after a year or two, and usually the whole story goes quite painlessly. In this sense, there are no major variations in yield. Relatively quickly, after three or four years, the application of mineral fertilizers can be excluded or drastically reduced.

Whereas, for example, on some more difficult lands, such as those drenoite, ridge lands, the procedure must be much more gradual and last much longer, 5, 6, 7 years”, claims our interlocutor.

On soils that are “harder” and where the process of soil regeneration through plants takes much longer, record yields should not be expected during this transition process, but it is very feasible to achieve yields that are not less than average.

Regenerative agricultureRegenerative agriculture

Florian also explained to us that the situation in Europe is similar to ours, that is, at the very beginning of the development of this approach in agriculture. In fact, European agriculture is significantly lagging behind in the application of regenerative practices compared to the rest of the world, and the system of mechanical processing, that is, turning the land, is still represented.

Have you already tried or are you planning to do a system of regenerative agriculture?

Source: www.agromedia.rs