what it is and what changes for businesses

Starting from October 1st, the credit license will come into force, a system that should guarantee greater safety and prevent accidents at work for those who work in the construction sector. Let’s see what it consists of and how it will work.

The points-based driving licence, or credit license, for construction sites will come into force on October 1st. The implementing decree of the Ministry of Labor has been published in the Official Journal, which contains the regulation relating to the new measure introduced by the government to strengthen safety at work.

After days of uncertainty related to the possible postponement of the points-based driving license to 2025, the situation seems to have resolved itself. The amendments to the Omnibus decree with which the center-right had requested a postponement of the entry into force, in fact, have been withdrawn and now the new credit system is ready to go.

What is the Construction Credit License and How Does it Work?

In just over a week it will come into force throughout Italy, credit license, a tool designed to ensure greater safety and prevent accidents at work for those who work in the construction sector.

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In essence, each worker will have a driving license with an initial allocation of 30 points. The measure, mandatory for all businesses and self-employed workers operating in mobile or temporary construction sites, provides that only those with more than 15 credits can work. Below this threshold it will not be possible to access the construction site.

To determine the loss of points will be accidents at work. Naturally, the ‘weight’ of the reduction will vary depending on the severity of the episode: for example, in the case of a fatal accident, 20 points are lost, but it can reach up to 40 if there are more victims. In particular, if in the fatal accident the ‘serious fault’ of the employer or a manager will automatically trigger the mandatory suspension of the driving license.

Again, in the event of a serious injury and consequent disability of the employee, 15 points will be subtracted. Then there are other cases, such as occupational disease, for which the credits deducted are 10 and violations of various kinds, for which subtractions from 10 to 7 points are foreseen.

For the over 800 thousand companies involved, the new system also provides for increases in points, up to a maximum of 100, which will be awarded to the most ‘virtuous’ companies. They will be rewarded with bonus credits those companies, for example, that will implement activities such as investments and training in workplace safety.

The points-based license is not mandatory for those who provide supplies or services of an intellectual nature. The decree also clarifies the methods for submitting the application and refers the details on the procedure to the circular of the National Labor Inspectorate, which is expected to be published tomorrow, Monday 23 September. Meanwhile, the Cgia of Mestre is complaining about delays in starting the process of issuing the license, less than 10 days after the new measure came into force.

Source: www.fanpage.it