WHAT LEADED TO THE BLOODY WAR OF 1991? This is how Lazanski spoke about the fatal failure of communist Yugoslavia

Lazanski clearly said that in 1945, denazification was not carried out in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

– In the name of “brotherhood and unity”, we pushed many things from 1941 and 1942 under the carpet and we never dealt with these ideas to the end. Of course, it flared up again in 1991 – Lazanski told TV Pink.

At one time, he recalled the attitude of the citizens of Zagreb towards the liberation in 1945.

– The old people of Zagreb never saw the entry of the partisans into Zagreb in 1945 as liberation, but as a “reversal”. If you look at it that way, then 1991 was not a surprise – explained Lazanski.

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Source: www.novosti.rs