What news does the Draft Law on Energy of Montenegro bring?

This summer, the Ministry of Energy of Montenegro issued a public invitation to authorities, organizations, associations and the interested public to join the public discussion and contribute to the improvement of the quality of the text of the Draft Law on Energy. The deadline for submitting objections, proposals and suggestions ends today.

The most important novelties included in this Law relate to the expansion of the jurisdiction of regulatory bodies, the energy community of citizens, then the rule on the market operator, the contract with dynamic pricing of electricity and others.

As stated, the new law expands the competence of regulatory bodies in the electricity distribution sectors, in a way that enables cooperation with the member states of the European Union and the Energy Community. In addition, the main concepts, such as energy poverty and active customer, are defined.

These mentioned changes are aimed at integrating the Montenegrin market with the European Union market, as well as ensuring a stable supply of energy through the establishment of a fair and competitive market, explained Zvjezdan Vujović, the Minister of Energy of Montenegro at the meeting of the Committee of the Association of Energy and Mining in the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.

The establishment of the Regional Coordination Center is another important novelty. As a body in charge of coordinating the activities of transmission system operators in a certain European region, it aims to improve the safety and coordination of the operation of transmission systems.

Photo-illustration: Pixabay (Couleur)

Finally, the establishment of a smart metering system should be emphasized, where the operator of the distribution system is obliged to define the technical requirements for the introduction of this system. In addition, as stated by the minister, the operator should conduct an economic assessment of all long-term costs and benefits for the market and the individual customer, or to define which form of smart metering system is economically justified and profitable, but also in what time frame its distribution is feasible.

During the Committee session, other participants presented their observations on the text of the Draft. As stated on the website of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, the opinions went in the direction that the explanation of the law is not detailed enough, then that the terminology used is not precisely defined, as well as that it is not clear why consumers pay a refund for investments that will not be functional in next few years.

Other concerns and suggestions were also raised, which is why certain issues should be further considered.

Energy portal

Source: energetskiportal.rs