What should we do if we have no appetite?

Loss of taste and loss of appetite for a few days are common, e.g. in case of minor cooling. But when a long-term illness or treatment is responsible for it, it can reduce appetite for a longer period of time. Suggestions for regaining the pleasure of eating and helping our appetite return.

Taste buds usually regenerate every 10 days, and their condition can be affected by several factors: e.g. dry mouth, zinc or vitamin B3 deficiency, fungal infection, medications, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, etc. In addition, age: Over the age of 50, the sense of taste and smell also deteriorate. Some diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, cerebrovascular accident, head injury, etc.) can also change the sense of taste and appetite.

But most often it is a loss of appetite that can be helped. E.g. by stopping smoking, zinc-rich foods (more beans, nuts, cereals, dairy products, etc.) or by consuming foods rich in vitamin B3 (foods of animal origin, fortified cereals, etc.), orby replacing medications that suppress appetite. In this way, we can regain the pleasure of eating together with the appetite. But what can we do about it?

If the food is less tasty to us

Eat the food as you like!

As age progresses, the perception of salty taste decreases first, and that of sugar last. Because of this old people salt their food more, and prefer a fairly sugary dessert. If we also belong to the older age group, as long as it does not pose a health risk (e.g. in the case of high blood pressure, diabetes) or we do not exaggerate, this should not be a problem. Eat the food as it is enjoyable for us, and the appetite will come.

Let’s enhance the flavors!

In other cases, instead of adding salt, use aromatic herbs that enhance the flavors (e.g. parsley, thyme, lemongrass, sage, chives, basil…). Besides also lightly sugar salty foods, or put a little salt in cakes – sometimes prepare sugary and salty dishes, as is typical of Asian cuisine. In this way, our food can be sufficiently spicy, tastier and more appetizing overall.

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Let’s help saliva production!

Dry mouth – e.g. under the influence of certain drugs, alcohol or cigarettes – reduces the sense of taste. That way it is important to maintain proper hydration of the body and oral cavity to promote saliva production, which is related to appetite. Before a meal, e.g. we can rinse our mouths or drink a few sips of carbonated drinks, lemon water, sour fruit juice, etc. Sour or sour tastes stimulate saliva production, but so do cold/icy foods (e.g. ice cream) and hot foods (rather than lukewarm). Menthol chewing gum can also relieve dry mouth and bad taste.

Food neatly arranged on the plate and its various textures (spreadable, soft, crumbly, grilled, crispy, etc.) have an appetizing effect. Chewing for a longer period of time is also important, as the flavors are more emphasized during this process. We can also stimulate our other senses (smell, sight) by playing with colors and scents when serving food. In addition, creating a pleasant atmosphere during meals can also stimulate the appetite.

Various preparation methods and sophisticated serving

If the taste of food changes

In the case of certain pathological conditions (e.g. cancer), as a side effect of treatments and medicines, the taste of food changes and the appetite decreases. Patients also find the taste of the foods they used to like unpleasant or very intense, as the taste of some drinks and foods becomes stronger. These persons they also sometimes have a metallic taste in the mouth, including when drinking water. As a result of all this, their appetite naturally deteriorates. If for some reason we also experience changed tastes, what can we do?

Let’s change our eating habits!

Instead of sticking to our old foods, change our diet and open up to more foods that are useful for us. These can be those with a mild, more neutral taste and those with a soft texture (dairy products, compotes, creams, etc.), which are generally better accepted in such cases than those with a spicy, intense taste. Due to frequent weight loss, the consumption of higher-calorie foods is also allowed.

During chemotherapy, it is especially important to find favorite and recommended foods in order to get the right amount of nutrients.

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Avoid strong smells!

The smell of some foods can be appetizing when we are well, on the other hand it can take away our appetite as a result of a certain treatment or medication. In this case, we avoid foods with a strong smell, such as fish, smoked meats, cold meats, certain cheeses, grilled meats, etc. If the smell of cooking or cooked food in itself is unpleasant for us, give preference to cold food for a while (raw fruit and vegetables, yogurt, sandwiches, etc.).

We counteract the sour or metallic taste!

When the food seems too sour for us, we can prepare e.g. steamed vegetables with a milk-based sauce (besamel) that softens this taste. And if most fruits feel sour, eat them in the form of compote, with a little sugar added. If a metallic taste appears in our mouths, a good tip: change the tools we use for eating and preparing food, e.g. use plastic instead of metal cutlery, glass or porcelain instead of metal dishes, and avoid canned goods.

Source: Galen

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