what transpired from the first autopsies

They took place prime autopsy on three of the five corpses found in Nuorowhere a man accomplished a massacreexterminating much of its family. From tests performed on the bodies of wifefrom the Daughter and of Neighborthe manner of their deaths has been understood and we are trying to understand new details of the macabre multiple homocide.

Nuoro massacre, autopsy results

The autopsies were performed on Saturday 28 September at the hospital Brotzu Of Cagliari: they will also continue on Sunday when the other victims of the murderous spree will be analysed Roberto Gleboni.

The 52-year-old worker killed his wifea Daughterand sonand Neighborhe shot the madre – who survived, is out of danger but still hospitalized in the San Francesco hospital in Nuoro – and one of her stray bullets grazed another of hers sonwho also survived. After this carnage, the man took off vita a few minutes after opening fire on his family members.

Photo source: IPA

A scene from the torchlight procession organized by the municipality of Nuoro to remember the victims

The dynamics of the massacre

The information acquired by the investigators is making the picture of what happened on that tragic morning on the street clearer Ichnusain Nuoro. However, it remains unknown motive of such violence.

That morning, cocking the 7.65 pistol he regularly held, the man almost shot two magazines and 12 shots each and aimed at the testa of his victims: he wanted to kill. He was especially fierce against the wifehit with quattro gunshots, two at a time drags and two at chest. He subsequently opened fire, once but fatally, against the Daughteras well as for the Neighbor who had found himself crossing his path in wrong time.

New information will be available on Sunday when the coroner Roberto Demontis will also carry out autopsies son smaller and the same murderer. The exams toxicological on man they will also be able to give indications on his state at the time of the crimes.

The motive: two hypotheses emerge

Meanwhile, investigations continue by the Carabinieri and the Police who are probing the lives of the victims and executioners with the aim of finding some clue that it can clarify the case. They’re checking telephone e pcinvestigations assetsfolders healthcare and listening to them testimonials of those who knew these people.

To date there are none complaints or reports of violence in the family but, according to what transpires, various hypotheses are being put forward.

The first is that according to which the wife, tired of him and his possessiveness, she was about to leave him and start a new life on her own. Another lead that the investigators are following is that according to which the worker’s action was not the result of an abducted but it was planned by tempo.

The words of the surviving son: he pretended to be dead to survive

Also helping those who are trying to shed light on this massacre are the words of son 14 year old, single survivor of the house in via Ichnusa. The boy was heard as witness and said he had fake dead to survive, to have stayed immobile to the bed, making the father believe that he had already been killed.

“They were screaming everyone“, he would have said, recalling that tragic morning. However, the climate was different in the days preceding and in the evening that preceded the massacre when the boy spoke of quarrels but of an apparent calm.

On Saturday a meeting was organized by the municipality torchlight procession to commemorate the victims.


Photo source: IPA

Source: notizie.virgilio.it