What were the criminals looking for on RTV Slovenija?


18. 10. 2024, 18.32

Updated: 18.10.2024, 20.07

In the Tarča show on Television Slovenia, during the discussion about the referendum for Jek 2, “secret audio recordings” were revealed. Today, RTV was visited by criminal investigators from the National Bureau of Investigation (NPU).

“The video they played proves that the MPs knew that they were breaking the law and nullifying the will of the people in advance in the process regarding JEK 2, but now they’re deceiving themselves about it,” they stated in Tarča. According to the creators of Tarča, the recordings were made in April. At that time, one of the informal meetings discussed how to ensure political support for the construction of a new block of nuclear power plant. “They thought about it the most intensively Nataša Avšič Bogovič from Freedom and Tomaž Lisec from SDS,” the Tarče journalist reported Klemen Košak. The State Secretary was also present at the meeting Danijel Levičar.

The General Secretariat of the National Assembly warned the MPs that the resolution on the peaceful use of nuclear energy, which also includes the project to build a new nuclear power plant block, cannot be adopted before the outcome of the referendum. There was no final agreement, they met again on April 25. Avšič Bogovič then presented several scenarios, but they chose the scenario according to which the competent committee of the DZ on May 7 slightly shortened the then planned referendum question, which now no longer refers to the resolution on the use of nuclear energy, and at the same time supported the resolution and the referendum call . The resolution on the long-term peaceful use of nuclear energy in Slovenia was adopted by the DZ on May 23 with 70 votes in favor and eight against. At that time, the Left insisted that voting on the resolution before the result of the referendum is known, as it will also be linked to the resolution, is illegal. Member of Parliament of the Left Matej Tašner Vatovec therefore once again proposed that before voting on the resolution, the opinion of the legislative and legal service of the DZ on its legality should be obtained. Speaker of the DZ and Member of Parliament for Freedom Urška Klakočar Zupančič consequently proposed that the deputies vote on whether this opinion should be obtained first, which they rejected with 15 votes in favor and 65 against. She also believed that the vote was not illegal, as the resolution was not a binding legal act, but rather a political one.

Leader of Tarča Erika Žnidaršič she wrote on her Facebook post that “it seems to her that they are looking for our source of information, but not whether there was anything illegal in the agreements between MPs of all colors”.

As it turns out, they are really more inquiring about the other. The NPU investigates the suspicion of a criminal act, the perpetrator of which is prosecuted ex officio. In order to protect the process, the police are not giving more information, but according to unofficial information from Television Slovenia, they are investigating suspicions of illegal filming. The office of the President of the DZ did not want to comment on the matter today.



At the consultative referendum, which will be held on November 24, voters will decide whether they support the implementation of the Jek 2 project, which, together with other low-carbon sources, will ensure a stable supply of electricity. Another initiative for a constitutional review of the decree on the call for this referendum was presented to the Constitutional Court today. It was filed by two natural persons and the non-governmental organizations Focus and the Legal Center for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment, who believe that the referendum question is suggestive and vague.

Source: svet24.si