What will be the next “big thing” in marketing, communication and media?

SEMPL media trends conference, which will be held for the seventeenth time 26 and 27 November 2015 in Portorož, and this year, with the help of numerous international lecturers, they will highlight current trends, under whose influence the future of the media, as well as creative and media agencies and advertisers. Participants will have the opportunity to find out what the next “big thing” is in the media and communication industry and what new media and advertising solutions have already become part of reality, through the key topics of this year’s conference.

Everlasting issues in the field marketing

Although the media and communication branch has experienced (and survived) numerous changes in the last ten years, something has remained unchanged – marketing has essentially remained the same. At least that’s what he says Keti Armilas, American marketing strategist and author of The Unbreakable Rules of Marketing: 9 ½ Ways to Get People to Love You, which urges advertisers to stop selling things and start to work on it – to make people like their brands. And that, in her opinion, is the essence of successful marketing, which she will talk about at this year’s SEMPL.

Cathey bracelets

What gets results in advertising and what doesn’t is the eternal question of advertisers. The answer to that question will be given The Binets, one of the world’s biggest experts in advertising efficiency, who is also responsible for efficiency in the very successful London creative agency “adam&eveDDB”. “If people, seeing your ad, feel nothing, then you can be sure that your advertising activities will not increase sales. Don’t forget the extraordinary power of emotions!” advises Binet to advertisers, who himself is convinced that only the long-term emotional connection of the consumer with the brand is what brings the company higher revenues and profits.

Strategies and innovations go hand in handu under the arm

“Changes are inevitable, but progress is not,” says dr. Max Mekeovn, a British expert on strategy and innovation, writer, consultant and researcher, who thinks about the importance of continuous innovation, which cannot be achieved without an excellent strategy. “Sometimes people forget that they are exceptional innovators in many cases and excellent strategists. Innovation and strategy affect all aspects of life, not just in the company’s conference room,” says McKeown, who will explain to SEMPL participants how to apply strategic thinking and innovation in life.

Max McKeown

Max McKeown

How important strategic thinking is in advertising agencies, which daily devise creative actions for their clients with the desire for long-term success, will be explained, among others, by Srdjan Šaper, founder and director of the Serbian advertising agency “I&F McCann Group”.

Creativity in the era of systematic rental of online media

Systematic rental of online advertising space and real-time auction rental (RTB) are terms that pervade the digital advertising ecosystem. Has technology taken over the world of digital advertising so much that there is no more room for creativity? Why have publishers of online media in the Adriatic region not yet recognized the opportunities offered by new ways of leasing advertising space? Is video advertising the next “big thing” in the digital advertising industry? Those and other questions related to the present and the future will be answered by experienced digital experts Mat Person, chief operating officer in the Danish company “Adform”, who will pay special attention to branding in the era of systematic rental of advertising space, as well as Nial Hogan, CEO of Integral Ad Science, responsible for Great Britain.

Brand management in the mobile environment and on social networks

Majk Bevans, senior director of marketing for advertising products at “Yahoo”, notes that mobile advertising is a global trend that is spreading unstoppably in the Adriatic region as well. Advertisers of course want to achieve that their consumers are constantly attached to their mobile devices, but on this occasion they often do not know what to do with the group of data that mobile technologies allow them, as well as how to use it in an appropriate way. Their worries will be removed by Bevans at SEMPL, who will show concrete examples of what can be done with the appropriate use of data.

The data expert is also i Daniel Knap, senior director at the international research company “IHS”, which conducts research related to the use of “big data” in the media industry and new forms of consumer segmentation and targeting. “Data is the engine that drives the growth of advertising and acts as a link between consumers, media and brands”, believes Knap, who will focus on the possibilities of using “big data” at SEMPL.

SEMPL is also coming Max Munch, a young German photographer and artist who delights his followers – and he already has more than 55 thousand – on the social network Instagram. As he himself says, Instagram is always about creating a community that connects the brand with the user and vice versa, and it’s not just about posting photos or counting “likes” and followers. At SEMPL, among other things, he will explain how to communicate on Instagram, in addition, he will reveal tricks for attracting followers, which every brand should know about.

You can find more information about the speakers at the 17th SEMPL at on the conference website.

Source: marketingitd.com