what will change for seniors in 2025!

By 2033, all old permits will have to be replaced. The procedure is simple and free, but it is better not to wait until the last minute!

Remember, in February 2024, MEP Karima Delli from Europe Écologie Les Verts had put forward a bill. One of the parts of the law envisaged subjecting drivers to a medical examination every 15 years. For drivers over 60 years old, a check would have been required. every five years. MEPs have adopted the driving licence reform, but They rejected the proposal medical examination. However, the permit card being valid for 15 years (the document and not the license itself), the parliamentarians ask drivers to do their self-assessment to find out for themselves whether they are still fit to drive. Also be aware that by 2033the renewal of the old driving license will become a requirement for all motorists. Holders of the pink folding license will have to change it or they will no longer be able to use it.
This measure, although distant, already invites drivers to anticipate their steps. Indeed, as it is possible that as January 2033 approaches, many motorists will wish to make this change, it is advisable not to wait until the last minute to take the steps.

A free, paperless driving license renewal process

To make this change, there is nothing simpler. In fact, the renewal of the permit is done via an online service set up by National Agency for Secure Titles (ANTS). Accessible with FranceConnect or ANTS identifiers, the procedure allows you to easily submit a request. If you do not have these identifiers, you can create a personal space on the ANTS website. This service is free, only the costs related to identity photos will remain your responsibility.
To make the request, you will need to provide proof of identity, address, a digital (or paper) photo-signature and the license to be replaced. In some cases, such as after a license suspension, a medical opinion will be necessary. Submitting the request is simple, just fill out the information required onlineto attach the documents and to follow the progress of the request on their ANTS account. If any changes should occur on the driving license concerning seniors, do not panic, Auto Plus will keep you informed of the situation..

To be continued…

Source: www.autoplus.fr