What you should do before starting a diet if you really want it to work!

Dieting and resisting the irresistible attraction and charms of the fridge are not easy. If you stay away from sinful foods (snacks, sweets, pastries, etc.), the mistake you should avoid is making abnormal sacrifices at the table.

Skipping meals, drastically reducing portions and eliminating foods from the menu will not make you lose weight. Lack of satisfaction during dieting often makes people eat more and gain weight, as well as make up for lost pounds with interest.

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An overly restrictive diet is difficult to follow and is doomed to failure, while a balanced diet adapted to your tastes and needs will allow you to win in balance and lose weight in a healthy and permanent way.

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On this occasion, we would like to point out everything that you should do before starting a diet, if you really want it to work and to achieve the set goal!

On a sheet of paper, mark all the necessary ingredients for a week, highlighting the ones you need to buy.

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This strategy will also benefit you as it will save you time for cooking and will help you implement a balanced and healthy diet.

Putting in black and white what you need to follow a healthy and balanced diet will help you not to indulge in sinful foods (snacks, sweets, pastries, etc.) when you are at the supermarket.

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Spices (cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, etc.) and herbs (rosemary, oregano, basil, bay leaf, etc.) are excellent substitutes for salt and sugar in the kitchen. Season dishes without adding calories and fat, therefore, only with spices.

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Try it, you won’t regret it because spices give excellent taste to all dishes. In addition, they provide a variety of valuable nutrients for good health and a slim line.

They are practical to carry and useful to eat. What’s more, they have excellent satiating power, ideal for calming those sudden hunger pangs between meals.

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They provide essential fatty acids and fiber that help keep blood glucose under control and keep you full longer.

Vegetables are the most important food for good health and a slim line.

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Vegetables are especially rich in fibers that slow down the emptying of the stomach. In addition, they help to suppress sudden attacks of hunger.

Source: www.sitoireseto.com