WhatsApp is in trouble. A newly discovered bug can put anyone at risk

WhatsApp has a new security crack | photo: Unsplash, own editing

WhatsApp is one of the largest communication platforms in the world, and that’s why hackers are constantly looking for new bugs that allow them to access valuable user data. A new application bug has been discovered that can help attackers infiltrate any device.

WhatsApp is a scammer’s paradise

Scammers and hackers are increasingly targeting chat apps because they give them relatively easy access to millions of users who often have no idea they’ve been contacted by a scammer. They also have very sophisticated methods of gaining people’s trust.

Most hackers operate on WhatsApp or Telegram, so you need to be careful with these applications. If someone you don’t know contacts you with any phone code other than +420, it’s a good idea not to answer at all, because in 99% of cases it’s a scammer or hacker who will try to get your sensitive data.

Locking individual chats would be really niceLocking individual chats would be really nice

If an unknown number contacts you on WhatsApp, be aware | photo: Unsplash

WhatsApp has a security flaw

In order to carry out a targeted hacking attack on a specific user, it is first necessary to find out what device he is using. It is at this point that the WhatsApp bug comes into play, thanks to which the attacker learns from which device you are communicating with him.

Every message you send in WhatsApp has a unique numerical key that is different for each operating system. According to him, an attacker can tailor his efforts and send a malicious file precisely targeted for your device. Although the attacker cannot obtain the code itself, he knows its length. For example, the Android app uses a 32-character code and WhatsApp for iPhone uses a 20-character code informs security blogger Tal Be’ery.

How to defend against hackers?

New potentially dangerous bugs appear regularly in WhatsApp that attackers can exploit. But if you follow a few rules, you can avoid problems. It is important to never answer users who have a non-Czech phone code.

Attackers most often operate from these countries: Nigeria (+234) and Bangladesh (+880). If you see these phone prefixes, do not respond to the messages at all, because they are definitely scammers and hackers. The last important rule is not to download or open any files received from unknown numbers.

Source: mobilizujeme.cz