WhatsApp will show more clearly that they are responding to you

Although when talking about services like WhatsApp, we refer to them as instant messaging, since sending and receiving messages can occur practically immediately, that It does not necessarily mean that conversations always adhere to this premise.. Depending on a multitude of reasons, a conversation can take hours, even days (for example, if the person who must respond is a bit of a disaster in this regard).

Thus, for a long time I have had the feeling that if a serious study were carried out on the time people spend looking at the WhatsApp screen, waiting for a response, we would discover that that time, well spent, would have been enough to solve all the great enigmas of humanity. And yes, I recognize that I too find myself on the list of people who have spent more time than they would admit, over the years, staring at the screen waiting for a response.

As a small but valuable contribution by the service to this very common user profile, for years there has been a function that shows, at the top of the conversation, the text “Writing” or “Recording audio”when the other person is, effectively, carrying out the operation indicated in said message. As I say, it is not an excellent technological marvel, but it is a function that is especially appreciated when we are waiting for a response.

Well, as we can learn and WABetaInfoit seems that Meta is aware of the value that users place on this feature and has therefore decided to improve it. Thus, WhatsApp will now show this information integrated into the conversation itselfinstead of placing it at the top. The tool thus adopts the system used by other services of this type, which facilitates the quick location of this information.

We are not talking, of course, about a great change, an exceptional improvement, but it is true that it is a small facilitator, which will probably have been thought about and rethought before being implemented. Which It reminded me of one of those Googl experimentse that was finally discarded. I’m referring to Wave, that live collaboration platform that, in its instant messaging function, allowed you to see what the other person was writing as they did it. That would be a sensational novelty in this sense, although I think many would not like it.

Source: www.muycomputer.com