Wheat the most in demand, both prices and volume of traffic are growing

The rise in prices of almost all primary agricultural products and the increased turnover marked the week behind us on the Product Exchange. A total of 5,175.00 tons of goods were traded, 93.46% more than the previous week. The financial value of traded goods amounted to RSD 124,451,000.00 (+ 81.88%). This week, wheat took precedence over corn and other crops.

Wheat the most in demand, both prices and volume of traffic are growing

Yes, wheat is on top

On the corn market, during the whole week, the weak activity of the participants was noticeable, where the demand was weaker than the supply and at a lower price level. Exchange contracts for corn were concluded in the price range from 19.40 to 19.50 dinars/kg without VAT. The weighted price was 19.49 din/kg without VAT (21.44 din/kg with VAT), showing an increase of 1.04% compared to seven days earlier. In this week’s turnover, corn had a share of 15%.

In contrast to the previous week, when wheat was in lower demand, this week saw an increased demand, which led to an increase in price and an increased volume of traffic. Wheat took the lead in trading, accounting for 62% of the total weekly turnover. The structure of customers consisted of exporters and traders, while the share of millers was insignificant. Buyers showed the most interest in wheat with 11.5-12% protein, and stock exchange contracts were concluded in the price range of 19.50 to 20.50 din/kg without VAT. The weighted price was 19.98 din/kg without VAT (21.97 din/kg with VAT), for 1.41% more compared to the last comparative data.

Izvor: Shutterstock/lourencolf

Fear about soy

Long heat waves and lack of precipitation increase the concern of agricultural producers regarding the yield and quality of the new crop of cereals and oilseeds, which also affected the reduced supply of the old, but also the weak interest in future sales of the new crop of soybeans. Exchange contracts for soybeans were concluded in the price range from 64.00 to 64.50 dinars/kg without VAT, with the calculation of quality. This week’s weighted price was 64.31 din/kg without VAT (70.74 din/kg with VAT), showing a growth of 2.08%.

The supply of rapeseed throughout the week was at a higher price level compared to demand. As the price level of demand on the domestic market is conditioned by the events at the Paris Matif, changes are monitored on a daily basis. The exchange contract was concluded at a price of 51.51 din/kg without VAT (56.66 din/kg with VAT), that is 440 eur/t without VAT.

Izvor: Shutterstock/allstars

On the barley market, there is still no great activity of participants. One exchange contract was concluded for barley HL mass min. 60 at a price of 17.20 din/kg without VAT, as well as one contract for barley with HL weight min 62 and a deferred payment clause at a price of 17.50 din/kg without VAT.

Weak demand for sunflower meal led to a further drop in price. One exchange contract was registered for sunflower meal with 33% protein at a price of 27.00 din/kg without VAT (32.40 din/kg with VAT).

Source: Milena Pajičić, Product Exchange

Source: boljazemlja.com