When CAF aid is used to afford Ferraris, Porsches and Audis

A couple was sentenced for abusing CAF aid while leading a luxurious lifestyle with sports cars.

The aid of the CAFlike the RSAare designed to support people in financial difficulty. However, this couple seemed to live in a different reality. Own luxury cars such as Ferrari, Porsche and Audi suggests a certain standard of living. It then becomes complicated to convince the CAF of low income. This couple, who led a luxurious lifestyle, were reported by the agencies after abusing the system for a long period of time.

No income between 2008 and 2013 for these Ferrari owners

According to The Voice of the North, the couple did not receive any salary during these five years. The woman therefore requested the CAF, claiming that the household had no resources to meet its needs. She also stated that she lived alone with two children. Thanks to her request, she was able to obtain RSA and family allowances.

A set of lies

Meanwhile, the husband claims not to receive no income and be unemployed. In 2012, he therefore obtained 4000 euros from the RSA. The couple benefits from several aids from CAF, but the body begins to have doubts. Their lifestyle is called into question. An investigation began in 2013, revealing that the couple lived together. The tax authorities are interested in the matter. The husband is seen driving Ferrari, Porsche and Audi. His wife, for her part, has a BMW, a Land Rover and a Mini. That’s a lot of cars for people receiving RSA… In addition, the woman’s bank account shows several thousand euros. To justify themselves, the couple claims to have failed to declare that they were self-employed in the luxury car business.

CAF is not convinced and demands 250,000 euros from the woman to reimburse social assistance unduly received. The husband is also accused of “international car trafficking”, having 34 vehicles in his name!

The wife says she does not take care of her husband’s documents and affairs. They must each pay a fine of 2000 euros and are sentenced to 4 months suspended prison sentencefollowing the trial which has just taken place.

Source: www.autoplus.fr