When technology born of disaster knocks on our door

Technology sometimes has strange origins. Who would have thought that the Fukushima tragedy would result in a lock that can read your veins? But that’s the case with the Xiaomi M30.

In 2011, Japan faced one of the worst disasters in its history: the tsunami followed by the nuclear accident in Fukushima.

In the ensuing chaos, many Japanese were left without identity papers, posing a major challenge to authorities. This unexpected crisis gave rise to a wave of innovations in the field of biometric authentication, including vein recognition.

Fujitsu’s PalmSecure palm vein biometric identification devices in 2018

Today, this technology, born from a tragedy, finds itself at the heart of our homes thanks to Xiaomi’s latest product: the Smart Door Lock M30.

She does everything

The M30 is not a simple smart lock, far from it. Xiaomi has gone all out in terms of features, with a hand vein recognition system as its centerpiece. No more need for a key or code: just hold your hand close and the door opens as if by magic.

But that’s not all. The lock is also equipped with a wide-angle camera that can recognize your face remotely.

Another notable innovation: the absence of a handle. The M30 incorporates a mechanical system that literally pushes the door for you.

In addition to vein and facial recognition, it also offers a fingerprint reader, a touchpad for entering a PIN code, and even an NFC reader. It detects delivery people, and can even alert you remotely: you can temporarily go and open your door so that the package can be left behind.

Let’s talk little, let’s talk well: around 370 euros, that’s the announced price for the M30 in China. And we can bet that if it ever arrives in Europe, the bill will be even higher. That’s a lot for a lock, no matter how smart it is.

To go further
What are the best smart locks in 2024?

Source: www.frandroid.com