When to use breathable anti-mold paint

Breathable anti-mould paint, if associated with specific treatments for renovating walls, is a good solution against condensation mould.

Paint and anti-mold products: when to use them and why they are effective

The anti-mold paint it is an excellent ally for preventing stains on walls in the most humid environments.
The first step to follow when problems arise moldconsists in identifying the type of humidity to which the walls are subject.

In the case of mold resulting fromhumidity from condensation (a phenomenon found in most bathrooms and kitchens that are not properly ventilated), it is possible to find a valid solution with a few simple remedies.

Il anti-mold cycle proposed is composed of three specific products, which, respectively, allow you to eliminate mold stains, sanitize the walls, and finally, paint them with one anti-mold thermal paint protective.

Eliminate mold with Combat 222

Thanks to the high content of active chlorine, Combat 222 it is an excellent professional system for eliminating mold from internal and external walls, before painting. This detergent can be applied to any wall support that has areas subject to algae, fungi and mold of various kinds, and also to plastic coatings and paints.

Combat 222 spray anti-mold detergent – Photo: San Marco

The application of Combat 222 guarantees the complete restoration of the walls, therefore, this product can be used even without subsequent painting, to temporarily restore the walls.

How to use Combat 222 anti-mold spray

To apply Combat 222 on walls, you can use a simple brushhowever, it is also possible to purchase the practical packaging forspray application. It is not necessary to carry out any type of preparation, as the product is ready for use.

Combat 222 anti-mold spray - Photo: San MarcoCombat 222 anti-mold spray – Photo: San Marco

After covering the mold-affected areas with the Combat 222 solution, you need to let it sit for about 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the supports thoroughly with water.

Naturally, if the walls have significant quantities of mould, it is advisable to repeat the treatment several times until the surfaces are completely clean.

The anti-mold cycle of San Marco it is practical and effective, but it is good to remember that, once the treatment is completed, every tool used must be cleaned.

Sanitize the walls with the Combat 333 anti-mold treatment

Combat 333 is a colorless sanitizing product composed of anti-mold substances and water, 2/3 hours after the application of Combat 222.

Its function is precisely to prevent the onset and proliferation of mould, moss and algae on the walls, over time. With the rehabilitation complete with supports, it is possible to successfully complete the anti-mold cycle before moving on to the actual painting.

Sanitize the walls with professional anti-mold products - Photo: San MarcoSanitize the walls with professional anti-mold products – Photo: San Marco
To restore the healthiness of the walls with Combat 333, it is necessary to wait for the layer of Combat 222 to dry. After approximately 2-3 hours from the previous treatment, it is possible to sanitize the supports using the Combat 333 product, to be applied with a brush.

Also in this case, if you are dealing with heavily infested walls, it is a good idea to carry out several passes, so as to allow the solution to completely penetrate the plaster.
Painting of the walls can take place 24 hours after the application of the Combat 333 restorative. The coverage of Combat 222 and Combat 333 is approximately 8-10 m2 per layer.

Superconfort anti-mold anti-condensation water-based paint: durable and high-performance

L’Superconfort breathable water-based paint for interiorsbased on vinyl poured copolymer in emulsion, contains hollow glass microsphereselements that give the product a low thermal transmission coefficient. This characteristic ensures that the walls are drier and more insulated, and that condensation does not form, caused by the temperature difference between the internal walls and the external space.

Superconfort anti-mold anti-condensation paint - Photo: San MarcoSuperconfort anti-mold anti-condensation paint – Photo: San Marco
The protective action of this anti-condensation paintallows you to improve the living comfort of your home, in a simple and effective way, above all, when dealing with thermal bridges and very humid environments, such as bathrooms, kitchens, laundries, garages, cellars and rooms facing north.

The advantages of Superconfort anti-mold paint by San Marcoare not only linked to performance, but also to the aesthetic result: thanks to the high covering capacity, in fact, it is possible to obtain a pastel finish homogeneous and durable over time, which requires little maintenance.

The excellent water vapor permeabilitythe protective effect of the masonry and the high insulating power are three further strong points of this special breathable anti-mold paintwhich is equipped with marking IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) di class A+. This means that the product has a low environmental impact and produces a minimum level of emissions.

Use and application of Superconfort anti-mold paint for interiors

Superconfort is a very water-based paint versatileas it is suitable for masonry supports with plasters new and old based on hydraulic binders, surfaces in concrete, gesso e plasterboardmineral and organic paints and coatings (compact and dry), absorbent mineral conglomerates and prefabricated panels.

Before application on plaster, plasterboard and plaster supports, in addition to checking that the surfaces are correctly sanitized and free of mold and algae residues, it is necessary to evaluate the state of conservation of the walls.

Condensation mold problems - Photo: San MarcoCondensation mold problems – Photo: San Marco
In the event that there are imperfections, flaking parts of old lime or tempera paints, ed efflorescenzeit is necessary to remove them. Furthermore, some of the most common interventions must be performed to fully restore the media, such as, brushing, shaving, sanding e groutinguseful operations for eliminating dust and dirt deposits, and fixing any unevenness and holes.

Finally, don’t forget to place a acrylic wall fixative water-based or micronized, keeping in mind that each surface needs a specific product. For plasterboard walls, for example, it is advisable to apply the pigmented insulators.

Useful tips for applying Superconfort water-based paint

To obtain a good result after applying the breathable anti-mold paint Supercomfort, it is advisable to carry out this operation in an environment with a temperature varying from a minimum of +8° C to a maximum of +35° C.

Anti-mold cycle - Photo: San MarcoAnti-mold cycle – Photo: San Marco

The installation can be carried out using a roller or brush, depending on the size of the areas to be covered. If you use a roller, you need to dilute the product with water to 3-5%; on the contrary, if a brush is used, the dilution percentages are 5-10%.

Depending on your needs, you can apply one or more layers of thermal insulating water-based paint (taking into account that more applications equal greater thermal insulation of the walls).

The water-based paint coloring Superconfort can be made in multiple shades and shades.

End of article

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The constant updating, the use of high quality materials and innovative techniques, the wide range of products and the numerous certifications, combine with the continuous search for sustainable solutions aimed at protecting the environment and personal well-being.

Source: www.lavorincasa.it