When you go to the party, don’t forget the last thing that came out of Pandora’s box!

Perhaps a somewhat forgotten Plato’s myth says that people in ancient times were beings with two faces, four arms, four legs, but so strong that even the gods were afraid of them and because of that they were torn apart.

Nataša Marković, holistic doctor, Nactive Beauty

That’s how man and woman were created, that’s how you were created, that’s how I was created.

Gods were no longer afraid, man no longer thought of ruling the world, because all his life he had to search for his severed half.

If by any chance he found it, he would become more powerful than God.

If our match is right, then we would be perfectly divine and defy even the gods. Best of all, they themselves would never separate us again, and we would be happy forever.

Well, when you think about it, life offers you much more than just the charm of existence.

Is this myth exactly what you want to happen to you in the coming year?

What does hope do to our body?

It beautifies it, rejuvenates it, gives us suppleness of movement, a spark in the eye, a moderate appetite, and the will for physical activity. It gives us understanding for others, justification for ourselves, moves us to learn new things, to progress in work, to reach the peak.

The hair is shinier, the skin is more elastic, there is no swelling on the legs and after sitting or standing all day, we don’t even feel back pain anymore.

Your hope is like a young girl, who is getting ready to go out, the man she is madly in love with, the man of her life, will come for her.

She got dressed, put on a beautiful dress, new high-heeled shoes, did a perfect hairstyle, put on her make-up carefully and put bright red lipstick on her lips, which he adores so much. She sat down and waited.

Time passes slowly, minutes, hours, the whole night has passed, but she is persistent, sitting and waiting. The dress was wrinkled, the hair was disheveled, the make-up was running down the face and the red lipstick, bright red color, just the one he likes, was smeared. It is no longer the face or body of a young girl, it is a shriveled, sad old woman, who is still sitting and waiting for her man, the right one, and he said he would come.

This is what hope looks like, hope and expectation of something new, something that is only a product of our imagination because we are taught that we can do everything else by ourselves.

And the moment we are in escapes us, we don’t have time to enjoy it between what happened yesterday and what will come tomorrow, because we have lost now. And it repeats itself day after day. When we manage to realize the loss of the precious now, the only thing left is hope and a lot of engagement so that we didn’t use bright red lipstick in vain, just the way he likes it.

Source: www.sitoireseto.com