Where does Wi-Fi internet come from on airplanes? How does it work and when will it appear in Russia?

Flying can be an exciting experience the first few times. After that it becomes less interesting, especially if you fly long distances.

You constantly have to download movies and TV series to keep yourself busy during the flight. But sometimes even that gets boring.

In such cases, Wi-Fi on the plane comes to the rescue, allowing you to stay online even while high in the sky. Although the technology is not new (Wi-Fi first appeared on Boeing planes in 2004), it is in high demand.

Now we’ll figure out how it works, why it doesn’t work everywhere, and when it will appear in Russia.


How does Wi-Fi work on a plane

Scheme of operation of the Internet via satellite and the system “Air-to-Ground” (ATG)

Wi-Fi on board an aircraft operates using two main technologies: satellite communications and the Air-to-Ground (ATG) system.

Satellite communications

In this case, the aircraft connects to a satellite that is in Earth orbit. The data transfer process is arranged as follows:

1. The plane transmits data to a satellite via an antenna on the roof.

2. The satellite sends the received data to ground stations that are connected to the regular Internet.

3. Ground stations receive a response to the request and transmit it back to the satellite, which then sends the response to the aircraft.

Installing a Wi-Fi Antenna on a Lufthansa Plane

The advantage of this method is that it works virtually anywhere, including oceans and remote regions.

But due to the large distance between the aircraft, satellite and ground stations, there may be a large delay and the Internet speed may be low.

Air-to-Ground (ATG) system

The plane connects to ground-based communication towers. These are similar to cell towers, but are designed to communicate with the plane.

In this case, data is sent directly from the aircraft to the tower and back, bypassing the satellite.

The advantages of this solution include data transfer speed, which is higher than via satellite.

The main disadvantage is that the Internet only works on land.and then only in those places where there are towers. It will not work over the ocean or in remote areas.

Most modern aircraft are equipped with equipment that can automatically switch between satellite communications and ATG.

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Why is the internet on a plane not as fast as at home

Despite the various connection methods, the internet on the plane is still very slow.

For example, Wi-Fi on the planes of the American airline JetBlue Airways provides an average of 15-20 Mbps, and this is considered a very good resultUsually the internet speed on a plane does not exceed 10 Mbps.

This is enough for instant messaging, watching videos in normal quality, and simply opening web pages. But we are not talking about 4K video streaming or online games.

In the case of games, in addition to low speed, there is also the problem of high ping, which makes it impossible to play normally.

Internet on planes is slow for several reasons.

Firstly, the plane flies fast and changes its position, because of this the signal may be lost or there may be difficulties with sending or receiving itIn addition, the aircraft fuselage, wings and other metal components can act like shields, absorbing and reflecting radio frequency signals and weakening Wi-Fi.

Secondly, there is a bandwidth limitation: the Internet works slower when many devices are connected to it.

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Who provides internet on the plane?

Wi-Fi Antenna Components in an Airplane

Airlines do not provide internet on planes themselves. For this, they rely on solutions from third-party companies — aircraft communications operators. Among them are several major players:

Gogo. One of the leading companies in the field. It provides internet in airplanes via satellite and ATG.

Panasonic Avionics. Another major operator, but it only provides access to satellite Internet.

Viasat. Provides satellite internet. Known for using the most modern equipment.

Intelsat. Provides internet via satellites and ground towers. Its equipment is installed on more than 1,000 aircraft across North America.

Most operators choose satellite Internet because it increases the geography of use.

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What does SpaceX have to do with it?

Many believe that SpaceX and its Starlink satellites can solve the problems with the Internet on airplanes.

There are many of them, and they are located in low Earth orbit, which is why they win in speed and latency compared to regular satellite Internet and ATG.

For now, Starlink is only available on planes operated by the American company Hawaiian Airlines, and it is completely free.

Real review and internet speed test on Hawaiian Airlines with Starlink internet

Users celebratethat through Starlink you can watch Netflix, play games on the Nintendo Switch and download files. Internet speed reaches up to 200 Mbps.

Additionally, users can connect to Starlink as soon as they board the plane. Internet is available in the parking lot while passengers board. On other planes, Wi-Fi is typically turned on after takeoff.

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How much does Wi-Fi cost on a plane

With Starlink and Hawaiian Airlines, everything is clear: the Internet is available for free and without any restrictions. But this is an exception to the rule, although Delta Air Lines has similar conditions.

Usually, the Internet on the plane is a paid service. Airlines have different rates and restrictions.


︎ Basic for $9,99. Internet is provided for 30 minutes without traffic restrictions.
︎ Internet throughout the flight for $9,99-19,99. It is available free of charge to Emirates Skywards members.
︎ Messengers for $2,99-5,99. The Internet works only for popular messengers.

Prices differ depending on the route, that’s why there is such a range.

Turkish Airlines

︎ Unlimited messengers for $5
︎ 100 MB traffic for $8
︎ 250 MB traffic for $15
︎ Unlimited short flights for $15
︎ Unlimited long distances for $35

Free internet available Only for Miles&Smiles program participants.


For short-haul flights:

︎ FlyNet Messaging за €3. You can only communicate in popular messengers
︎ FlyNet Premium за €6-8. The price depends on the duration of the flight, you can use the Internet at a speed of up to 4 Mbit/s

Fares for intercontinental flights:

︎ FlyNet Messaging from €5-7. Available throughout the flight
︎ FlyNet from €15. Internet for 2 hours at speeds up to 4 Mbit/s
︎ FlyNet Premium from €25. Internet for the entire flight at speeds up to 4 Mbit/s

Prices may change depending on demand and flight time (day/night).

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Why the Internet Doesn’t Work on Russian Airplanes

Until 2022, only Aeroflot offered Wi-Fi on board Russian aircraft. The service was launched in 2021, but was shut down in the spring of 2022 due to sanctions.

Aeroflot Tariffs as of the beginning of 2022:

︎ Messengers for $4,9
︎ 50 MB for one time per $8,9
︎ 120MB per three hours for $16,9
︎ 200 MB for the entire flight for $24,9

Other Russian airlines did not offer such a service.

But in May 2024, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that Wi-Fi on board Russian aircraft will be universal from 2028.

This will be possible after Russia launches its own constellation of satellites. The first launch is scheduled for 2026.

Director of laser terminal development at Bureau 1440 Ksenia Lazarenko said that satellite internet on airplanes will appear in 2027. The company has already signed an agreement with Aeroflot.

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Wi-Fi on planes is important for many passengers

According to US airlines Delta and United Airlines, more than 1.5 million passengers fly monthly use Wi-Fi on their planes.

The entire in-flight internet market was valued at $5 billion in 2022. Verified Market Research estimates it will grow to $12 billion by 2030.

At the same time, the speed and quality of the Internet will improve. This is largely due to the satellites, the number of which is growing every year.

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Source: www.iphones.ru