Where to go in Moscow, listen to classics, in the week of October 21 to 27, 2024

Photo: Moscow Evenings

Who’s playing: Vittorio Grigolo, Maxim Lisiin, Polina Sharovarova, Polina Peletskaya, Maria Kalinina, David Sanikidze, State Kremlin Orchestra conducted by Konstantin Chudovsky, Daniil Kogan, artists of the vocal ensemble Intrada.

What’s playing: Arias from operas by Russian composers.

Why go: As a boy, Vittorio Grigolo was assigned to perform a tiny role in Tosca, when the part of Cavaradossi was performed by Pavarotti. After the performance, the moved Luciano gave his young colleague an autograph, writing Vittorio Primo (“Vittorio the First”). Grigolo always considered this autograph a prophecy, and it is coming true: the 47-year-old tenor sings today in the best opera houses in the world. In Moscow, “Vittorio the First” will perform together with young Russian singers. At a concert in honor of the 165th anniversary of the Russian Musical Society. There will be arias from operas by Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky and Rubinstein, who was one of the founders and first director of the RMO.

Where, when, how much: Great Hall of the Conservatory; October 22; 1,000 – 8,000 rub.

Photo: Courtesy of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic

Who’s playing: Symphony Orchestra of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater (conductors Vladimir Tkachenko and Fyodor Lednev), soloists Nadezhda Pavlova, Anzhelika Minasova, Zarina Abaeva, Natalya Buklaga, Natalia Lyaskova, Harry Agadzhanyan.

What’s playing: B. Bartok – “The Castle of Duke Bluebeard”, R. Wagner – The Death of Isolde from the opera “Tristan and Isolde”, R. Strauss – Four last songs for soprano and orchestra, the final scene from the opera “Salome”, G. Mahler – ” Songs of the Wandering Apprentice.

Why go: It is impossible to imagine the culture of the 20th century without Bela Bartok – in particular, without his opera “Duke Bluebeard’s Castle”. Many unusual timbre combinations, play of sharp accents and energetic rhythms produce a hypnotizing effect. On October 28, soloists of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater Natalia Lyaskova and Harry Agadzhanyan will subject Muscovites to “Bartok hypnosis”; Fyodor Lednev will take the conductor’s stand this evening. And on October 27 in the hall named after. Tchaikovsky will perform works by R. Wagner, R. Strauss and G. Mahler; their heightened expression will be combined with the singing talent of Perm opera stars Nadezhda Pavlova, Angelika Minasova, Zarina Abaeva and Natalya Buklaga. This gift, multiplied by the talent of the theater’s chief conductor Vladimir Tkachenko, is bound to create a great miracle of art.

Where, when, how much: Concert Hall named after. Tchaikovsky; October 27 and 28; 750 – 2,000 rub.

Photo: Grand Musica

Who’s playing: State Kremlin Orchestra conducted by Konstantin Chudovsky.

What’s playing: J. Bizet – fragments from the opera “Carmen”, G. Fauré – “Pelléas et Mélisande”, “Pavane”, C. Debussy – “Afternoon of a Faun”, M. Ravel – “Pavane for the Death of the Infanta”, “Waltz”, “Bolero”

Why go: When French music is played, resistance is useless – be it a popular tune or a classic. Few can resist the bright temperament of Bizet’s Carmen, the subtle lyricism of Fauré’s Pelléas et Mélisande, the sensual charm of Debussy’s Afternoon of a Faun and the hypnotic rhythm of Ravel’s Bolero; The State Kremlin Orchestra conducted by Konstantin Chudovsky will provide a spectacular shine to the masterpieces of French classics. And the listeners can only drown in this ocean of Gallic emotions.

Where, when, how much: Great Hall of the Conservatory; October 26; 800 – 5,000 rub.

Photo: Crocus

Who’s playing: National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia conducted by Vladimir Spivakov. Polina Thay takes part in the concert.

What’s playing: P. Tchaikovsky – Polonaise from the opera “Eugene Onegin”, Variations on a Rococo Theme, Nocturne for cello and orchestra, fragments of music from the ballets “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty” and “The Nutcracker”.

Why go: “I want people to find peace and support in my music,” wrote Tchaikovsky. This is exactly what music brings to people, imbued with that high simplicity in which lies the main secret of Russian classics. The program, composed of works by Pyotr Ilyich, will be performed by the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia under the direction of Vladimir Spivakov, performing for the first time at Vegas City Hall. The most important lines of love and goodness for each of us will be drawn by the Maestro with his baton, and the solo on cello will be performed by Polina Thay, a ward of the Vladimir Spivakov Foundation, laureate of the XX International Competition for Young Musicians “The Nutcracker”.

Where, when, how much: Vegas City Hall; October 26; 2,000 – 20,000 rub.

Photo: Courtesy of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic

Who’s playing: Pavel Milyukov, Boris Andrianov, Itamar Golan.

What’s playing: J. Brahms – Sonata No. 1 for violin and piano, D. Shostakovich – Sonata for cello and piano, Piano trio No. 2, F. Mendelssohn – Piano trio No. 1.

Why go: The chamber music of Mendelssohn and Brahms, these dreamers with a tremulous soul, but endowed with rebellious feelings, reflects the very essence of the Romantic era. In addition to them, the program includes two works by Shostakovich: a cello sonata, written almost simultaneously with “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk”, but radically different from it in its imagery, and the soul-tearing Trio No. 2 in memory of Sollertinsky. Boris Andrianov, Pavel Milyukov and Itamar Golan will overcome the difficulties of this difficult program not to create a spectacular concert virtuoso “outfit”, but to express the very essence of the music.

Where, when, how much: Concert Hall named after. Tchaikovsky; October 23; 600 – 2,000 rub.

Photo: MKZ “Zaryadye”

Who’s playing: Ural Academic Philharmonic Orchestra (conductor Dmitry Liss), piano duo Lyudmila Berlinskaya and Arthur Ansel.

What’s playing: M. Brukh – Concerto for two pianos and orchestra, O. Viktorova – Concerto for two pianos and orchestra (premiere), G. Berlioz – Fantastic Symphony.

Why go: The main intrigue of the evening is the Concerto for two pianos and orchestra by Olga Viktorova, performed by the duet Lyudmila Berlinskaya – Arthur Ansel. “The festive spirit and cheerful disposition of the extreme parts, as well as the intellectual contemplation of the middle, owe their appearance to the amazing duet Berlinskaya-Ansel, whose positive energy, permeating everything around, inevitably manifests itself in the music written for them,” says the author. The program also includes Bruch’s double concerto, which requires from the soloists not so much virtuosity as ideal coherence. And the evening will end with the symbol of French musical romanticism – Berlioz’s “Fantastic” Symphony. Her emotional anguish will be conveyed by the orchestra conducted by Dmitry Liss.

Where, when, how much: Zaryadye Concert Hall; October 24; 500 – 2,000 rub.

Photo: Courtesy of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic

Who’s playing: Alexander Romanovsky

What’s playing: L. van Beethoven – Sonata No. 8 (“Pathetique”), W. A. ​​Mozart – Sonata No. 12, F. Liszt – Twelve Transcendental Etudes,

Why go: “Etudes,” as the name suggests, mean “sketches,” and sketches are usually exercises before working on more serious things. But in the case of F. Liszt’s “Transcendental Studies” everything is not so simple. These works are a test of the pianist’s entire performing apparatus, and the test is merciless. For Alexander Romanovsky, tricky octaves and kilometer-long passages do not pose any particular problems. Music lovers will appreciate his reading of Liszt. As, indeed, Mozart and Beethoven.

Where, when, how much: Concert Hall named after. Tchaikovsky; October 26; 800 – 3,000 rub.

Photo: MKZ “Zaryadye”

Who’s playing: Orchestra of historical instruments Pratum Integrum, soloist Yana Dyakova.

What’s playing: Arias from operas and instrumental music by A. Scarlatti, A. Vivaldi, N. Porpora, F. Araya, G. F. Handel.

Why go: For ten years now, the orchestra of historical instruments Pratum Integrum has been setting new standards in Russia for the performance of baroque music – without unnecessary sentimentality, but with obvious adrenaline. The pillars of the Teutonic Baroque Scarlatti and Vivaldi, Handel and Porpora are specialists in precisely this repertoire. Extracting the unbridled energy from their creations, Pratum Integrum will present in the Zaryadye Hall a new program “The Age of Scarlatti” with the help of the soloist of the Nizhny Novgorod Opera Yana Dyakova, familiar to the public from the TV project “Big Opera”.

Where, when, how much: Zaryadye Concert Hall; October 27; 600 – 1,500 rub.

Photo: MKZ “Zaryadye”

Who’s playing: Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra (conductor Artyom Abashev), soloist Andrey Korobeinikov.

What’s playing: L. van Beethoven – Concerto No. 3 for piano and orchestra, G. Holst – “Planets”.

Why go: Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3 spans a spectrum of emotion, from the uplifting drama of the Allegro con brio through the poetic elegy of the Largo to the optimistic finale of the Presto. These passionate confessions of the soul rhyme well with the performing style of Andrei Korobeinikov, who is capable of expressing intense feelings like few other pianists. The afterword to Beethoven’s masterpiece will be Gustav Holst’s monumental suite “The Planets”. A musical guide to the starry sky will be presented to the public by the Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra.

Where, when, how much: Zaryadye Concert Hall; October 25; 400 – 2,000 rub.

Source: rg.ru