Where to throw away CDs for recycling

CDs and DVDs that are now scratched or broken cannot be thrown in the plastic bin, perhaps we know that. But this can fuel our doubts about what is the right disposal for this waste. Aside from immediately recognizing the correct bin for separate collection, you can also give them away, or use them for interesting and beautiful DIY projects at home.

The doubt about where to throw away CDs and old, broken or scratched DVDs are common to most of us, as the misfortune loves company. In fact, in all our homes there is a drawer where the disks rest, waiting to know what fate is destined for them and which recycling bin to end up in. But the choice is not simple or obvious.

If their appearance would lead us to throw them in the trash together with plastic, the materials they are made of hide a sad deception. The CD is in fact a composite, not disposable nor recyclable like common detergent and cleaning products bottles, or like water and beverage bottles.

During incineration, CDs and DVDs can release toxic substances, such as sulfur dioxide, dioxins and hydrochloric acid. But it should also be remembered that polycarbonates also contain Bisphenol A, or BPA, which is one of the pollutants whose safety levels are still being debated.

The disposal of disks, in light of these discussions, seems more chaotic than we would like, but it is important to answer the question that we now have in mind. But then, where do we throw away CDs once they have ceased to serve their purpose and how can they be recycled?

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Where to throw away used CDs and DVDs

We have mentioned it, but we want to reiterate it: the plastic bin is not the right one for the disposal of CDs and DVDs that we want to throw away. If the disks are old, but still in good condition, we can also give them away. A film or a music album that we have digitally transferred, can still please some nostalgic.

In some cases, it is also possible to earn something from the sale of these supports, which often also contain nice games for common platforms. The suggestion is to try to go to an authorized store, where markets are often organized to see or exchange your memorabilia.

If instead we are throwing them away because they are scratchedit should also be remembered that some excellent and minimal-cost methods can solve the problem. On the market we find pastes and gels to apply on the damaged area to restore it. Our CD will not be as good as new, but it will be readable and usable again.

But it is also possible that the disks are now damaged to the point of not being able to recover them and in this case where should they be thrown away? If they contain data, we can cut them up and throw them in the unsorted bin, which can also accommodate DVDs and video cassettes, or VHS, which are no longer healthy.

Creative recycling of old CDs

With due care, so as not to hurt ourselves, we can cut the CDs into small pieces and use them for some little job of do it yourself. On the web you can find videos that explain how to give a second life to our supports. And some ideas are irresistible and simple to make.

The mosaic picture is one of the options, but we can also glue the CD pieces to some clothes or accessories, to make them more original and reflective. If we want a disco effect at home, a simple polystyrene sphere can be covered with light thanks to the application of these elements.

And again, CD pieces can be used as decoration for mirror frames and photo frames, but also to give new sparkle to a wall clock that is too boring. And if we want a chic detail for our evening looks, the chips of our beloved disks can be transformed into creative jewels. And nothing is wasted, but everything is recycled.


Source: www.greenstyle.it