Which Fujifilm Instax Camera Is Best to Choose? Here Are Some Suggestions

Most of us never part with our camera, it is always safely waiting in one of our pockets or backpacks or purses. Despite the fact that we can take out our phone and take a picture with it at any time, we are drawn to devices dedicated to this task. Often producing images of lower quality and definitely more expensive than those we have at our fingertips on our iPhone. I guess it is not just about the cost, dealing with a device created for a purpose is fun and liberates from other distractions. Below I present our types, which will work to satisfy the artistic soul as much as at a party.

Instax Mini Evo, a stylish hybrid

I thought I’d start off a bit unusually. A classic that you’ve probably seen before will appear again. Instax Mini Evo is a hybrid that combines the digital and analog worlds. It is a product more from the premium category of instant cameras, because price starts from 840 PLN. It’s not easy to shell out that much money, but this model has many advantages that can make the decision easier.

Above all, we save on photosbecause they don’t come out of the camera immediately, but are saved on the SD card or internal memory. We choose which photo we want to capture on film, and this is done with a stylish trigger straight from traditional cameras (with the difference that in them it was used to rewind the film). Mini Evo it also enables 100 Effect Combinationsby offering 10 variants for the lens (stylishly switched by turning the lens ring) and 10 for the “film” effect. This camera is also a bluetooth printerso the number of photos we can print is limited only to the cartridge capacity. There are no limits to what we want to print. When buying, it is worth making sure that we are buying newer version z a socket usb-c. The first models had micro usb.

Fan of the Instax Mini 12 audience

There is not much to say about this classic. It is the cheapest option in the whole line, because only 349 gold and offers fun far beyond its price. Available in 5. colors and super easy to use. The model with the number 12 in its name borrowed some elements from its more expensive sibling.

A model Instaxa Wide’a 300after turning the lens, we will go into zoom mode and even the viewfinder will adjust to the image seen by the camera. The selfie mirror will help us capture pouts and smiles the way we want. From the aforementioned Instaxa Mini Evowe have an additional shutter button on the front, so we can take a photo by holding the camera in a comfortable position.

This and the previous camera use exactly the same insert format (86mm x 54mm). This makes them the most popular and therefore Fujifilm offers us a huge catalog of frames. Confetti, black, marble, mermaids, bubbles, retro, etc. There is plenty to choose from to personalize your photo albums even better. Mini 12 it is durable and slightly heavier than the Mini Evo, and also requires finger batteries. The rounded shape of the casing may not be to everyone’s taste.

Postcard from the past, Polaroid Go


When I approached this article, I had a question in my mind; Instax he knocked it out of people’s imagination, Polarize as a synonym for instant photos? Very possible, but that doesn’t mean the legendary company is sleeping. They are still creating new instant cameras and, it must be admitted, they do it brilliantly. The model Polaroid Go (second generation), is not only the lightest of the instant cameras, but also cheaper than Mini 12. Available in Polish chains from 320 PLN.

The Polaroid Go has something about it. I like how it combines retro design old ones polaroids, with a contemporary minimalist but… A feisty character. The protruding viewfinder window and unusual camera shape distinguish this choice from others. The device is so small that fits perfectly in one handwhich will definitely come in handy when taking selfies, which is helped by the huge mirror mounted at the front.

When it comes to photosas in the whole category, they will provide that vintage feeling. The colors are a bit washed out, the sharpness is just right, subtly blurred. The tone of the photo is a bit cooler than in the case of the Fujifilm solution, which has slightly more vivid and warmer colors. Unfortunately, i-Type Color cartridges they are smaller in size compared to the competition, more expensive and there are fewer pieces in one cartridge.

The legendary Leica adds its two cents, SOFORT 2


The legendary company from Germany also has something to say about instant photography. In their own style, they jump straight into the premium shelf, presenting Leica IMMEDIATELY 2. Unfortunately, the price can be overwhelming, the camera starts from a stunning 1850 zlotys (which doesn’t make this camera the most expensive in its category).

I admit that I am showing this camera because of the history of the brand. The quality of photos and the possibilities are basically at the level Mini Evoa device that is twice as cheap. And although Fuji also left its mark on the history of photography, we are talking about Leica here. We buy this camera because we know that the smallest details have been taken care of. Keep it IMMEDIATELY 2 in the hands… It’s a different feeling, even if it’s just a toy to remember the fun.

The easier menu navigation and overall more pleasant camera design are the advantages that set this model above the competition. Ultimately, this Leica and all the devices on this list are not bought for photography per se. They are bought for the feeling of taking them. For this model, we choose the history of the brand behind it.

Other Instant Cameras Worth Considering

Instax SQ1 i Kodak Mini shot 3 – if you are tired of photos in “portrait mode”, this may interest you. Square photos will allow you to capture the moment in an unusual way. There is something different about this format, it forces you to look at the composition in new way. One that we are not really used to. Prices start from 600 PLN.

Instax Wide 400 – the latest offering from the Japanese company this year. 15 years after the premiere of the Wide 300fans finally got an update for the only model with this photo format. They are twice as large as the photos obtained in the Mini series. I see the device successfully used by professionals on Instagram. The larger surface gives you room to show off, and besides, it’s just huge. It’s inconvenient to go to parties with it. The quality of the photos is no different from Wide’a 300, so if it scares someone 659 PLN for Instax Wide 400then you can safely look for a used 300.

Polaroid I-2 – crazy, crazy expensive item. The cost of this Polaroid is about 3000 PLNbut it is probably the most professional instant camera. It has autofocus, a manual option and takes quite large format photos. It is not an easy choice to swallow and I honestly do not know what its target audience is… Nevertheless, it fascinates me very much.

Fashion or just endless fun?

The malicious may say that the current boom in instant and analog cameras (Ricoh recently released its new half-framer for sale, after a 21-year break!), it’s just a fad. And I specifically call it a malicious comment, because that’s not what it’s all about. A person simply had to get excited about technology to be able to remember the magic of interacting with an instrument dedicated to this one activity.


For years, there have not been such beautiful times as now, so ideal for returning to analog photography. Especially the instant one, probably the most iconic and old-school. Instant photos have something exceptional about them. The entire moment that we capture with the camera crystallises in the form of a photo stimulated by the chemistry trapped in a special insert. In order to emerge from the inside of the camera, accompanied by the working machinery of the device.

It doesn’t matter if the photo came out sharp or too dark. Did someone just blink or cut off a part of their head? It doesn’t matter. This moment has been forever entangled with this ritual, which can’t be recreated with any phone. In 2024, we have an abundance of these types of cameras. Fuji, Leica, Kodak, Polaroid, Canon. They’re all here and trying their hand (mainly against Instax, Fujifilm). In all of this, we, the users, win.

Source: antyweb.pl