Who pays the most expensive fuel in Europe and where are we?

SARAJEVO – Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina pay one of the highest prices for diesel in relation to their monthly income.

This was shown by the analysis of the fuel price display site Nafta.hr, which decided to make a comparison with other European countries.

In addition to the price of fuel itself, information on the average monthly net salary for each country was also used.

The ratio of the price of fuel to wages represents the “affordability index” of fuel, and tells us how much fuel is available to the average citizen of each country.

BiH has thus entered the group of countries with “very expensive fuel prices”, and is among the European countries where citizens pay the most expensive fuel.

The reason for this is certainly the weaker paying power – the average citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina has to set aside a significantly higher percentage of his income for a full car tank than citizens of neighboring countries.

The price of gasoline and diesel is lower than in neighboring countries (Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro), but the standard of living is still higher in the neighboring countries. Nafta.hr


Source: capital.ba