Whoppah buys French interior marketplace Design Market

Whoppah, the Dutch online marketplace for furniture and interior items, is making a strategic acquisition in France. The company buys the French number two in its segment, Design Market.

This strategic move enables Whoppah to seamlessly integrate Design Market’s offering. As a result, his own ‘collection’ grows by two-thirds and 66 percent.

The acquisition will bring 90,000 new registered users and will also drive a 75 percent growth in organic traffic.

At the time of writing, the site is Design Market still live, but ultimately it must be the design of Whoppah to get.

Last year, Design Market had a turnover of 3.5 million euros. It raised around one million euros in venture capital in the ten years of its existence.

The French market has been on Whoppah’s map since spring 2024, when it launched its own site in French. An acquisition appears to lead to results faster than building a market position independently.

Whoppah from CEO Thomas Bunnik (photo, right) raised sixteen million euros in its five-year existence from external investors, including Ad Nederlof, Jaap Kooijman, Daniel Gebler, John de Mol, Winston and Renate Gerschtanowitz, Nick Schilder, Wilfred Genee, Lorenzo Bas, Kees van der Geer, Rob Oudman , Ivo Lurvink.

Source: www.emerce.nl