Why your relationship is getting colder: Several possible reasons

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Love is sometimes very incomprehensible, so just as we inexplicably fall in love, it is possible, on the other hand, to fall out of love or grow cold towards our partner, writes aktivni.metropolitan.si.

If you have found yourself on the side of those whose emotions remain intact, or if you notice a change in yourself, you must have wondered what the reasons are for this.

Here are some key reasons you should avoid if you do want to save your relationship.

Lack of communication

The conflict remained unresolved, needs unexpressed, and thoughts unspoken. All this can lead to disconnection between partners.

You took each other for granted

When we start taking our partner for granted, respect, kindness, and then love, can quickly disappear.

Unfulfilled expectations

In the beginning, satisfying needs and wants is not a problem. However, over time this becomes a challenge, which can lead to feelings of frustration.

New information

The discovery that the partner has been hiding some secrets for some time or is behaving in a way that is not in accordance with the image we have in our head, can change feelings in the blink of an eye.


Often, one partner in a relationship is overcome by inexplicable jealousy, which leads to separation.

The relationship is not built on a solid foundation

If the relationship got off to a bad start, developed too quickly in the beginning, or was the result of an affair, you may not have the proper foundation to keep the relationship going and the will to overcome obstacles.

You are not compatible

As you get to know each other better, the initial excitement wears off, which can lead to the discovery that your lifestyle, priorities and values ​​don’t match after all.


A relationship can lose its spark or simply become too monotonous, which can turn one or both partners cold.

Big events in life

After giving birth, sometimes a man starts to see you only as a mother. Or after dismissal, when mental problems suddenly develop. So, instead of facing life’s challenges together, some couples simply succumb to the pressure.

There was never any love

Sometimes in a relationship there is only lust, a desire with confirmation of values ​​or some other feeling, which sooner or later ends the relationship.


Source: www.vijesti.me