WiFi with a range of 16 km

Morse Microa company that develops WiFi chips, has just broken a new record for wireless communication range via the Wi-Fi HaLow.

The tests were conducted in Joshua Tree National Park, a protected area that offers ideal conditions with large unobstructed areas and low RF noise. A WiFi access point was created based on a Rasberry Pi 4 combined with a MM6108-MF08651 Wi-Fi HaLow reference module. The device transmitted with a power of 21 dBm from a standard 1 dBi dipole antenna for a radiated power measured at 22 dBm.

In short, it was a question of carrying out tests in real conditions using standard equipment capable of being deployed in portable devices powered by batteries.

Morse Micro has thus managed to obtain a flow rate of 2 megabits per second at a distance of 9.9 miles, or 15,9 kmwhich is exactly the theoretical maximum range of WiFi HaLow.

Such a flow rate is intended to be sufficient for peer-to-peer communication applications, cameras, or iOS solutions for agriculture and any other outdoor activity.

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Source: www.generation-nt.com