Will artificial intelligence wipe out humanity within 30 years? The Godfather of AI is clear

  • Experts and the public are not unanimous about how safe artificial intelligence is
  • Some of the leading experts warn that it may become a threat to us
  • According to Geoffrey Hinton, there is up to a 20% chance of wiping out humanity within a few decades

Artificial intelligence she is on the rise and her progress is truly fascinating. All you had to do was watch the pre-Christmas presentation of the news from OpenAIto understand that artificial intelligence will already surpass many of us. Some are excited about it, others are horrified. And leading cyber security and AI experts are increasingly arguing about its security.

British-Canadian Nobel laureate in physics Geoffrey Hintonwho is sometimes referred to as the “godfather of artificial intelligence”, has been warning about its rapid advances and potential risks for some time. Not long ago, he claimed that there was about a 10% chance that artificial intelligence would end up being a disaster for humanity. Or rather, that it will cause some kind of disaster.

He recently changed his statement – he already foresees 20% chancethat the rapid pace of development and progress in AI will have for humanity catastrophic consequences. And according to him, it can happen in the next 30 years.

AI surpasses humans

We don’t have it here yet artificial general intelligence (AGI)but many companies aim to achieve it. And advances in AI keep getting faster and more surprising. Which scares even Professor Geoffrey Hinton himself.

According to him, the biggest danger is that AI will already surpass (or soon will surpass) humans. Which, according to him, can very easily turn against us. “How many examples do you know of a more intelligent thing being controlled by a less intelligent thing?” asked a rhetorical question recently in an interview with BBC Radio 4 Today.

“Imagine yourself and a three-year-old child. We will be the three-year-olds,” he presented his vision of the future, which is more than bleak.

Are you afraid of the future development of artificial intelligence?

Source: Freepik, The Guardian, Freepik

Source: www.svetandroida.cz