Will he ever apologize to the citizens? (VIDEO)

SSP LEADER Dragan Đilas announced the new results of his research, according to which SNS and SPS have 46-47%, while all other opposition parties have 43-44%.

We should not forget Đilas’ previous false surveys, and in one of them he claimed that Zdravko Ponoš will have 1,400,000 votes in the first round of the presidential election against Aleksandar Vučić.

Ponoš didn’t even get half of the votes that Đilas transcribed for him, and Vučić won in the first round and recorded the best result since the independence of Serbia.

In his rigged polls, Đilas received 110 percent, out of a possible 100.

Will Dragan Đilas ever apologize to the citizens he misleads?

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Source: www.novosti.rs