Will the left wing of Macronie carry out its threat this time?

THOMAS SAMSON / AFP Renaissance MP Stella Dupont photographed in November 2022 at the Assembly (Photo by Thomas SAMSON / AFP)


Renaissance MP Stella Dupont photographed in November 2022 at the Assembly (Photo by Thomas SAMSON / AFP)

POLITICS – The phenomenon has been observed for several years. Each time Emmanuel Macron has shifted to the right, figures stamped ” left wing » of Macronie have stepped up to express their disagreement. A debate on immigration in 2019? This small team is circulating a platform, while others are fighting in the media asking their political family not to give this RN gift.

Alas, the debate has taken place. Not at the end of 2019 (due to the health crisis) but in December 2022. Pension reform, immigration law, unemployment insurance reform… The issues that have irritated the trend ” social democrat ” from the presidential camp are numerous. As many as the snakes swallowed to remain within a political family that has not ceased to drift to the right. Certainly, there have been some brilliant moves, like the resignation of Aurélien Rousseau, then Minister of Health, during the immigration law, but never a collective act signing a divorce that would weaken the ” bloc central ».

The beginning of a secession?

Unless the composition of Michel Barnier’s government, which includes many figures from the conservative right, acts as the straw that breaks the camel’s back. After the announcement this Saturday, September 21, the Renaissance MP for Côtes-d’Armor, Éric Bothorel (already disappointed by the appointment of the Prime Minister) published on the social network a road sign with an evocative meaning: the one dedicated to priority to the right. This Monday, September 23, Stella Dupont also acts the beginning of a secession.

« I do not support this government”she explains in an interview with Releaseaffirming that she is ready to bring down Michel Barnier if necessary. Anything that touches on my values, on my conception of a France of rights and duties for all, an open France, can lead me to censor, even if that is not what I want to do a priori. And given the political vision of different ministers, including Bruno Retailleau, the risk of seeing this type of measure materialize is real,” she warns. This is a very right-wing, very conservative government. We are not here to create Fillon II. When you come from the left, you have no place in a government like that. “, adds in The Parisian the former Minister of Agriculture and MP for Manche, Stéphane Travert.

Empty threats

Enough to promise an organized rebellion? A few days earlier, it was her colleague from Loire-Atlantique, Sophie Errante, who confirmed the break in Mediapart. « I realized that we were not able to do politics in any other way, which was precisely what I had committed to at La République en marche in 2017. “, she regretted, announcing that she was leaving the group, while Sacha Houlié, a historic walker and figure of the left wing, had cut ties weeks ago.

So, has the time for emancipation come? It is permissible to doubt it. Since this is not the first time that the left wing has threatened to go its own way. Already, in January, the idea of ​​a dissident group had circulated after the nomination of Gabriel Attal, which (already) confirmed a rightward shift with Sarkozyist overtones, marked (among other things) by the arrival of Rachida Dati at Culture. Off the record, some even mentioned a ” tear ” However, history has shown that all these people remained within the former presidential majority.

In addition to this inclination to make empty threats, other elements can keep them attached to their family of origin. And in particular the Macronist tenors coming from the left who remain legitimists. Like Élisabeth Borne who wants to take the head of Renaissance. An internal campaign for which she obtained the support of Clément Beaune, former Minister of Transport also stamped ” left wing “. We can also cite Agnès Pannier-Runacher who claims to be part of this movement, and who nevertheless remains in the government as Minister of Ecological Transition. So many elements which suggest that this sensitivity of Macronism has not really finished swallowing snakes.

Source: www.huffingtonpost.fr