With 110 different nationalities, SIBS records more than 78 thousand transactions on the Web Summit – Web Summit

The Web Summit once again occupied Parque das Nações and, on the days the event was held, there were more than 78 thousand transactions were carried out on the premiseswith an average value of R$12.10 each, according to data from SIBS Analytics. Of the total operations, 79% were carried out by cards from 110 nationalitieswith the United Kingdom once again taking first place in foreign transactions – accompanied by Germany and the USA in the top 3.

Lunch time (1 pm) was the time when the greatest flow of operations was recorded, with the first and second day to record more than 6 thousand transactions each. The third one will say it was the least busy, with only 4,345 transactions at that time.

Outside the event, SIBS reports that the Web Summit once again registered “a positive impact on the economy of the Lisbon district”, with the total transactions in this area growing 6.4% compared to last year. However, analyzing only foreign card operations, growth was just 1%.

Catering was the sector that recorded the greatest activity from foreigners in the Lisbon district, accumulating more than 40% of transactions. Supermarkets continue to account for around 18% of foreign card operations and passenger transport occupies third place with 5.2%.

SIBS was, once again, the “Exclusive Cashless Event Partner” of the Web Summit, providing more than 250 payment terminals at the venue.

Source: www.jornaldenegocios.pt