With IP awareness for the development of the domestic circular economy – technocrat

This is particularly significant in light of the fact that according to the 2022 report of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), 93% of companies with intellectual property rights (IP rights) experienced a positive impact on their business activities: obtaining a single protection has an average of 10% can result in a growth surplus. In its IP Heroes campaign, the National Office of Intellectual Property (SZTNH) presents companies – this time in the circular economy – that consciously use intellectual property protection tools. The purpose of the IP Heroes campaign is to draw attention to the fact that innovative companies can increase their market advantage and competitiveness by obtaining protection.

Over the past decades, the composition of the value of companies has changed significantly. While in the 1980s 80% of the value of companies was made up of tangible assets such as machinery and buildings, today this proportion has fallen to 10%. Today, more than 90% of a company’s value is determined by intangible assets, including intellectual property rights and brand value. This is particularly important in the circular economy, where the protection of innovations, patents and sustainable technologies ensures economic growth in the long term.

“Obtaining protection not only provides legal protection, but also brings economic benefits to businesses. A consciously built and managed intellectual property right portfolio is a competitive advantage over the competition. Most importantly, however, it creates legal certainty, protecting inventors and businesses against, for example, counterfeiters. Obtaining protection is the first step in successful innovation utilization”

highlighted by Farkas Szabolcs, president of SZTNH.

The Aquaprofit Zrt. presented in the campaign. has been providing planning, implementation and technical consulting services in the field of industrial and residential water management for more than 25 years. By using one of their developments, the AquaModisys disinfection equipment, they can implement highly effective disinfection in any plant where water free of biological contamination is needed during any production process. They have registered 2 Hungarian utility model protections, 1 Hungarian patent and a Hungarian trademark for their various innovations.

“For us, industrial property protections play a key role. Each patent, utility model and trademark registered by our company is another step towards ensuring that our water management innovations are sustainable and developable in the long term. This is not just a business strategy, but a commitment to protecting our customers and the environment.

said Péter Udud, Aquaprofit Zrt. CEO.

The circular economy is full of opportunities, the pace of technological development has accelerated significantly, many new patents are attached to the names of Hungarian companies and organizations, such as BioFil Kft., which helps regenerate fertile soils with its microbiological soil inoculants, or SZTE and ThalesNano Zrt. collaboration, who developed a reactor that converts carbon dioxide into a useful substance before it is emitted.

Intellectual property rights such as patents, utility models, trademarks and designs play a key role in protecting sustainable technologies. These protections help the spread of innovations, provide competitive advantage and encourage further research and development, which is essential for the widespread adoption of the circular economy.

During the campaign, SZTNH helps businesses active in the circular economy with educational content and a good example to understand the importance of obtaining protection and to realize that innovation is not only the way of the future, but also has economic value.

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Source: www.technokrata.hu