With sports against the massive nerve problem

Persistent stress can make everyday life difficult, and it can also result in a bad feeling both physically and mentally. If someone is forced to endure stress for a long time, long-term irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches, migraines, but in more serious cases, panic attacks, nervous breakdowns, difficulty breathing or metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance, diabetes or thyroid diseases, may occur.

Playing sports has many benefits

According to the experts, it depends on the individual which stress factors have a positive and which negative effect. However, it is certain that the effects of stress cannot be ranked. Positive stress factors also generate tension, so they must also be reduced so that we can deal with it mentally and so that they do not cause health problems. Playing sports can be an excellent way to relax.

Regular sports help to overcome stress, anxiety and negative thoughts. Sport stimulates the production of endorphins, i.e. happiness hormones. Endorphins contribute to a better feeling of well-being, a sense of satisfaction and a greater sense of self-confidence. Physical and mental balance can be brought into excellent balance with regular sports, and it also promotes restful sleep (of course, only if you don’t time it late at night).

The best forms of exercise

Running is usually recommended for effective stress relief, but in truth, any sports activity can help. It is important that everyone individually finds the form of exercise that turns them off and that they like at least enough to not stop after a week or two of enthusiasm.

For those who have not had sports in their lives until now, it is recommended to start with walking or cycling, then gradually increase the activity and try several sports. High-intensity aerobic exercise, such as running, a dancespinning, speeds up the heart rate, as a result of which the production of mood-enhancing endorphins begins.

In movies, it is often seen that the protagonists get through stressful periods with yoga. There is truth in this, yoga is a great stress reliever, it consists of slow movements, sustained poses and breathing exercises, which are good for both body and soul. In addition, Pilates can also be a stress-relieving exercise, which is also excellent for developing endurance and flexibility.

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What about combat sports?

Obviously, the question arises as to whether combat sports can be suitable for relieving stress. The thing is, absolutely, as they not only involve physical strengthening, but also put a lot of emphasis on mental discipline and focus, helping a lot for those who freeze under stress and thus become unable to defend themselves.

All in all, any form of exercise can help to create physical and mental balance and reduce everyday stress.


Tension? Sleep disorder? “Sedacur forte.”

A Sedacur forte is an over-the-counter medicine containing extracts of valerian, hops and lemongrass, which relieves tension during the day and helps you fall asleep and have a peaceful night’s rest in the evening. Clinically proven effect. It does not make you drowsy during the day, has no negative effect on driving, and does not affect concentration either. It is also available in 30 and 60 grain packages.

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Medicine available without a prescription

Photo: Phytotec Hungária Bt.


Source: www.vezess.hu