With the most modern technology, up to 12,000 tons of first-class apples

This year’s apple harvest is in full swing at the Delta Agrar company’s plantation in Zaječar, and a total harvest of as much as 12,000 tons is expected.

Up to 250 tons of this fruit are removed from the treetops on the apple orchards, which cover more than 270 hectares. Delta Agrar shared the atmosphere of the harvest with representatives of media companies, where they had the opportunity to learn about the most modern technology and the method of storing fruits. A special campaign of humanitarian apple picking was also organized, thanks to which the students of two elementary schools in Zaječar, “Ljuba Nešić” and “Desanka Maksimović”, will receive a donation in the form of a healthy snack from Delta Agrar.

Photo: Promo

Delta Agrar is a leader in fruit production in Serbia and the region, and stands out for its plantings of exclusive club varieties of apples. The harvest of Greni, Modi and Isaac is nearing its end, and the picking of the Eveline variety, which is considered the definition of freshness and nature, is in full swing. The CEO of Delta Agrar, Luka Popović, also addressed the audience and pointed out that he is glad that today’s harvest also has a socially responsible role.

– Our orchards are on a total area of ​​700 hectares, in Čelarevo and around Zaječar. We are especially proud of as many as 9 exclusive club varieties of apples that we grow. They can only be produced by fruit growers who have demonstrated exceptional results in their work and commitment to product safety and quality. In the coming years, we will continue with investments in the expansion of plantations, especially in Zaječar – said Popović.

Photo: Promo

Živojin Garašanin, head of fruit growing in Zaječar, pointed out that the density of plantations is from 4,000 to 8,000 trees per hectare with yields of 60 to 80 tons per hectare.

The participants of the humanitarian action were divided into teams and received apple picking training. For every kilogram of apples picked, Delta Agrar will donate 10 kilograms. In addition to the two primary schools from Zaječar, the winning team will choose another organization to which the donation will be directed. The mayor of Zaječar, Boško Ničić, also participated in the harvest, who emphasized the importance of Delta Agrar’s fruit production for the Zaječar district.


The secret of success in apple production lies in the combination of innovative techniques and maintaining high quality standards of planting material and feeding. Journalists had the opportunity to see that Delta Agrar uses the most modern technological solutions in production and storage. The orchards are equipped with moisture sensors and other soil indicators, making them the most modern and largest orchards of this type in Europe. Among other things, they are connected with a drip irrigation system and a weather station via GPRS. Also, systems are used for protection against spring frosts, plant feeding and defense against hail.

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Source: www.novosti.rs