With the new regulations that came into force in October, say goodbye to passing the MOT if your car meets these requirements

The arrival of October 2024 will mark a before and after, in terms of the ITV refers, for all drivers in Spain.

And it is that on the 1st the new Historical Vehicle Regulations which was already approved on September 10, a regulation that introduces significant changes both in the technical inspection of these vehicles and in their circulation through the Low Emission Zones (ZBE)recently implemented in much of the country.

The main novelty is that those vehicles over 60 years old old will remain exempt from passing the Technical Vehicle Inspection (ITV)long-awaited news among collectors and fans of classic cars.

What does the new regulations establish on the ITV?

He Council of Ministers has approved a series of measures that seek to regulate the situation of historic vehicles in Spain. These changes are driven by the need to adapt national legislation to European guidelines, which increasingly place emphasis on the reduction of polluting emissions and the efficient use of transport.

Among the main modifications introduced by the new regulations is the periodic MOT exemption for historic vehicles that are over 60 years old. This means that all those cars registered before 1964 They will be able to circulate without having to pass the mandatory technical inspection.

For historic mopeds, the exemption is even greater, since they will not have to undergo no technical inspectionalthough owners can choose to do it voluntarily if they wish.

What is considered a historic car?

A historic vehicle is not simply an old car. To be recognized as such, you must meet certain requirements. These include its age, a state of preservation faithful to its original manufacture and, in many cases, the inclusion of the vehicle in a specific register of historic cars. In addition, a certification must be obtained that certifies its historical condition, which opens the door to specific benefits such as exemption from the ITV.

Well, in the literal words of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism“Historical vehicles will be considered those manufactured or registered for the first time ago. 30 years minimum. “They will also be those included in the General Inventory of Movable Property of the Spanish Historical Heritage, or declared of cultural interest and those that are of special interest.”

Circulation through Low Emission Zones (ZBE)

Another novelty that this regulation brings is the regulation of the use of historic vehicles in the Low Emission Zones (ZBE)urban areas where restrictions on polluting vehicles are stricter.

Although most classic vehicles do not meet current emissions standards, the new regulation will allow that these can circulate through the ZBEalthough with an important limitation: they will only be able to do so for a maximum of 96 days a year.

This limit of days is intended to balance the owners’ right from historic vehicles to enjoy of his automobiles and the need to reduce pollution in cities. Thus, while modern cars must comply with emissions regulations to access these areas, historic vehicles will have a “special license” to circulate, although with limited use.

Not for daily use

It is important to emphasize that, although these vehicles can circulate without passing the ITV and are allowed in the ZBE, the regulations are clear: They cannot be used as a regular means of transportation. This means that its use must be restricted to specific events, occasional outings or exhibitions, as established by law.

The objective of this measure is protect automotive heritage without compromising the environmental sustainability objectives that Spain, like the rest of the countries of the European Union, must meet in the coming years.

Why has this measure been taken?

The growing pressure from the European Union for member countries to reduce their emissions and promote more sustainable transport has been the main driving force behind this new regulation. Low Emission Zones have become a key tool in many European cities to improve air quality and reduce the carbon footprint.

However, the authorities are also aware of the cultural and heritage importance that have the historic cars. These automobiles, far from being simple means of transportation, represent a significant part of motor history. In this sense, the new regulations seek to protect this legacy without neglecting environmental goals.

How does it affect owners of historic vehicles?

For owners of historic vehicles, the new regulations represent a series of important advantages. The exemption from the periodic ITV represents a saving time and moneyplus greater freedom to enjoy your classic cars.

However, they must also take into account the limitations imposed, especially with regard to use in Low Emission Zones and the prohibition of using these vehicles as daily transport.

To benefit from the exemptions, owners will need to ensure that their vehicles are properly registered as historic and meet the requirements established by law.

In conclusion, from this month of October 2024, historic vehicles over 60 years old will have a special status in traffic regulations in Spain. Exempt from passing the periodic ITV and with permission to circulate in the Low Emission Zones, although with certain restrictions, this new regulation seeks to find a balance between the preservation of automotive heritage and the fight against climate change.

For fans and owners of these vehicles, a new era opens in which they will be able to enjoy their jewels on wheels with fewer bureaucratic obstacles, although they will have to adapt to the new rules.

Source: www.vozpopuli.com