Women in management believe more and the use of artificial intelligence improves access to work

According to HP’s second global study, employees who use AI achieve 11 points higher job satisfaction than those who do not.

  • Only 28% of knowledge workers have a healthy relationship with work, up one percentage point from 2023
  • At least two-thirds of knowledge workers would like to experience a personal approach in the workplace, and 87% would give up part of their salary for it
  • The use of artificial intelligence among knowledge workers will increase to 66% in 2024 (compared to 38% last year). 68% of those who use artificial intelligence evaluate its impact on the performance of work tasks positively
  • Employees who do not work with artificial intelligence are more likely to fear that AI will replace them. The number of these employees increased by 5% per year
  • Only 44% of executives (mostly women) say they trust their soft skills

HP Inc. published a second comprehensive study entitled HP Work Relationship Index (WRI), which studies the relationship of employees to work around the world. In 12 countries of the world, a total of 15,600 respondents from various work sectors took part in the study. The results show that only 28% of knowledge workers have a healthy relationship with work, up one percentage point from last year. The study brings new knowledge about how to improve the relationship to work: through artificial intelligence and a personal approach at work.

“We know that the expectations of employers and employees are evolving, and we believe that smart technologies are the key to meeting the needs of today’s employees,” says Katarína Barbier, HP director for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. “Using the power of artificial intelligence for more productive work and more interesting job content will not only strengthen the results of employers, but also make it easier for individuals to achieve professional fulfillment and a better balance between work and personal life,” adds Kateřina Barbier.

A personal approach to employees can ensure a healthier relationship to work

Just like last year, this year’s study also analyzes individual aspects of people’s relationship to work: what role work plays in their lives, what skills and abilities they have, what tools they use, what their workplace looks like and what they expect from management. This year’s Work Relationship Index shows that the universal need of knowledge workers is a personal approach at work.

At least two-thirds of knowledge workers want personal access to their work needs, including appropriate workspace customization, access to preferred technologies, and flexible work environments. A personal approach is key to improving the relationship to work and has a positive impact on both employees and employers:

  • 64% of knowledge workers state that a better adaptation of the work environment to their needs would motivate them to be more involved in the development of the company.
  • 69% of knowledge workers believe it would benefit their overall well-being.
  • 68% of knowledge workers said they would have a stronger incentive to stay longer with their current employer.

The personal approach and tailor-made work environment is so important that 87% of knowledge workers would give up part of their salary for it. On average, it is 14% of the salary, for generation Z even 19%.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, employees enjoy work more and are more productive

The use of artificial intelligence among knowledge workers has increased from 38% last year to 66% in 2024. Employees who use AI rate its benefits and impact on their relationship with work as follows:

  • 73% of respondents feel that artificial intelligence makes their work easier, and almost 7 in 10 (69%) use it to increase their work productivity.
  • 60% of respondents say AI plays a key role in improving their work-life balance.
  • 68% of respondents say that they enjoy their work thanks to artificial intelligence.
  • 73% believe that a better understanding of artificial intelligence will facilitate their career advancement.

Employees who use AI show an 11-point higher score in the index than those who do not work with AI. It is therefore necessary to offer artificial intelligence to all employees as soon as possible. Employees who do not work with artificial intelligence are also more likely to fear that AI will replace them. The number of these employees increased by 5% over the year to this year’s 37%.

Men in leadership positions lack self-confidence, women are better off

This year’s index shows only small changes on average from last year’s. At a closer look, we find that the countries where the relation to work index increased slightly improved in six key factors of a healthy relation to work: mainly in the factors of Leadership and Sense of fulfillment. This year’s index showed that trust in top management is a decisive factor in healthy working relationships. Managers are aware of the importance of the so-called soft skills such as mindfulness, self-awareness, communication, creative thinking, resilience, empathy or emotional intelligence, but often lack confidence in their own ability to use these skills.

  • Although more than 90% of executives are aware of the importance of empathy, only 44% believe they can apply it.
  • Although 78% of employees highly value empathy in their superiors, only 28% of employees experience it regularly.

But this year’s survey revealed a bright spot: women in leadership positions believe in themselves more than their male counterparts. They have more self-confidence than in the so-called hard skills (technical, computer, presentation, etc.), where they outpaced men by 11 points, so in the so-called soft skills, where the difference between men and women is even 13 points.

More information about the HP Work Relationship Index can be found at WRI websitethen the entire study on the pages HP Newsroom.


The online survey was commissioned by HP and conducted by Edelman Data & Intelligence (DXI) between May 10 and June 21, 2024 in 12 countries: USA, France, India, UK, Germany, Spain, Australia, Japan, Mexico , Brazil, Canada and Indonesia. HP surveyed a total of 15,600 respondents: 12,000 highly skilled workers (1,000 in each country), 2,400 IT decision-makers (200 in each country), and 1,200 executives (100 in each country).

About HP

HP Inc. (NYSE: HPQ) is a global leader in technology and a creator of solutions that enable people to realize their ideas and engage in the things that matter most. Operating in more than 170 countries, HP offers a wide range of innovative and sustainable devices, services and subscription programs for personal computing, mainstream and 3D printing, hybrid work, gaming and more. More information about HP Inc. you can find at http://www.hp.com.

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Source: www.nextech.sk