wood valorization is stuck behind the lack of a national plan

Although the industries are ready to move forward with the wood processing process, the lack of a national plan and the shortage of specialists prevent concrete steps from being taken, representatives of the Viru Keemia Group state in the “My career” program.

  • VKG personnel director Eve Rei and VKG Fiber board member and development manager of the bioproducts production project Lauri Raid. Photo: Sigrid Hiis

According to VKG HR Director Eve Rei, VKG’s new projects support the national goals of both wood processing and ensuring energy security, but the company faces a significant labor shortage in the field of wood processing.

“We see that for the development of chemical treatment of wood we need at least 40% more specialists than are currently available in Estonia. This means several hundred new employees,” explains Rei. He adds that without the support of the local education system, it is difficult to find people with the necessary skills.

Lauri Raid, member of the board of VKG Fiber and development manager of the bioproducts production project, also highlights the need for cooperation between the Baltic countries, especially in the field of industry and education. He notes that cooperation between Estonia and Latvia remains modest in several areas, compared to Scandinavia, where industries and educational institutions cooperate closely.

“If we look at Finland and Sweden, they have large chemical and electronics industries that function through public orders and strong cooperation. Unfortunately, we are encapsulated in Estonia and Latvia, which reduces our competitiveness,” explains Raid and adds that the common economic space of the Baltic states could be comparable to Scandinavia, but for this, more strategic cooperation is needed to jointly create added value and develop industrial sectors.

In addition, the program discusses how VKG plans to grow and meet its workforce needs in the coming years, while at the same time contributing to the achievement of Estonian industry and environmental goals.

The show is hosted by Sigrid Hiis.

VKG: the valorization of wood is stuck behind the lack of a national plan

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Source: www.aripaev.ee