Woori Bank, Employees’ Voluntary Salary Deduction Donation ‘Our Love Fund’ Donated 7.9 Billion Won Over 20 Years < ESG Management-Social Contribution < Article

Woori Bank (CEO Cho Byeong-gyu) announced on the 20th that the ‘Woori Love Fund’, which was created through voluntary salary deduction donations by employees, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.

The ‘Our Love Fund’ was started in 2003 to help families affected by the Daegu subway disaster, and Woori Bank employees have collectively donated a total of 7.9 billion won to date.

Currently, approximately 4,800 employees participate in fundraising every month, and the funds raised are used to support various social contribution projects to practice love for neighbors, such as sponsoring social welfare facilities, scholarships for local children’s centers, and disaster recovery support.

In particular, the ‘Children with Cancer Support Project’, which has been carried out in collaboration with the Korea Leukemia Children’s Foundation since 2021, is a representative social contribution project of the Woori Love Fund, and has sponsored treatment costs, tuition, and psychological counseling costs for a total of 450 children with cancer. In addition, at the beginning of this year, a shelter called ‘Naeum Uri’ was established for children living in rural areas who have to travel long distances to receive treatment in Seoul, and over 300 children with cancer and their families used it in the first half of the year alone.

Also, in celebration of Children’s Day in May, we presented a fun outing memory to children with cancer who normally have difficulty going out due to the risk of infection. We invited about 80 children with cancer and their families to a movie viewing event and presented them with a comprehensive gift set to support their studies, play, and hospital life.

Woori Bank has renewed the logo and slogan of the Woori Love Fund in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Woori Love Fund this year. Using the representative character of Woori Bank, Wibee, we plan to further expand our social contribution activities under the slogan, “We are together, our hearts grow bigger.”

Meanwhile, Woori Bank continues to engage in various contribution activities for the local community, such as regularly performing volunteer work through the social welfare facility “Woori Love Sharing Center” that has established sisterhood ties with local branches across the country, and the “WOORI Family Volunteer Group” comprised of employees and their families.

Source: www.nextdaily.co.kr